
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Macy's fires religious type to demonstrate diversity

Yep, a boy wanted to change clothes in a women's dressing room.  A backward thinking employee (one of those religious types), thought that since he was a boy, he should change in, you know, the men's dressing rooms.  Macy's did the only logically post-modern thing: they fired the employee to maintain the holiday spirit.  Today, diversity means letting any sexual deviancy be tolerated, if not demanding that it be celebrated.  Religion has got to go, unless it converts to the post-heterosexual gospel.  Those who don't?  That's where the Glorious Censorship steps in.  A few commenters catch the wave and remind us of this fact:  
"Transgender people do exist. 2. This is why religion is a load of #$%$ 3. Fire her. 4. Thanks Macy's!"
"Kudos to Macy's for kicking this cretin to the curb. If Jesus is helping you make your workplace decisions, let him also throw in some cash when it comes time to pay the rent. Until then, I suggest that all Jesus enthusiasts follow their employer's rules instead of their sock puppet savior's."
It's nice that the post-modern secular left is coming out of the closet and admitting what they want.  Anyone who still believes in the fairy tales of tolerance, diversity, and open mindedness?  Please, let me know.  I have a few bridges to sell you.  Hopefully people of traditional faiths will wake up before it's too late, if it isn't already.

The Glorious Censorship: In all things sex, drugs and bathroom humor, absolute freedom and protected liberties without consequence.  In everything else, government control, censorship, oppression and the eradication of wrongthink for the eternal praise of our hedonism and libidos.

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