
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dr. Peter Ruckman

And a devoted fan help demonstrate why I became Catholic.  Peter Bradley unpacks the book and points out its more obvious flaws.  He rightly observes that it belongs to a hopefully bygone era of Archie Bunker style bigotry, racism, and prejudice that, sadly, informed far too many congregations over the years.  I'm sure there are Catholics who are just as bad.  Muslims in their own ways.  Jews perhaps.  Atheists even.  I don't pretend that one group has a monopoly on evil thoughts and actions.  But it's still telling that many ideals Protestants have about the Catholic Church are rooted in such flagrant bigotry and ignorance of the historical record.   Most, of course, wouldn't be caught dead defending such ideals, but have grown comfortable enjoying the watered down fruits of it nonetheless.  Then again, based on responses to Mr. Bradley's review, it looks like there's still some out there who worship at the 'only Church God loves' congregation of bigotry and ignorance.  Not to mention some milk-out-the-nose hilarity at mangling and mauling the history of the early Christian Church.  Sigh.

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