
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

If it is true I hate to see Paterno go this way

I was never a Paterno fan.  Didn't dislike him, just not a fan.  But then, being an Ohio State Buckeyes fan pretty much makes me biased.  I respected his accomplishments, though felt he should have retired already.  Still he didn't.  But now, he's going to at the end of this season, probably due to the abuse scandal at Penn State.

Maybe it's just me, but I try not to cheer and hoot when someone or some institution is torn down.  Sure, I admit, there are times when I say 'hoorah!' when it's something I don't like, or a politician I didn't vote for.  It's easy to celebrate when it's 'them' under the gun. But I try, I try real hard, not to be that way.  Not to be so cynical that I'll take anyone's accusation if it just helps to tear down another life. 

Sure, Paterno has more money in his change drawer than I'll ever have in life.  Sure some politician out there might be a self serving crook.  But you know what?  They're people.  They're human beings.  Maybe they did wrong. Maybe they deserve punishment.  Who doesn't at one point or another?  But I feel we live in an age of criticize, accuse, and cheer the tearing down of anything (other than the things I value).  And that doesn't seem to add to the Christian flavor of our society.  It's sure not a tendency for which I can readily open up the Sacred Scriptures to and find a solid reference.

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