
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Prayer request

I received a prayer request for a young baby named Oliver.  His mother Erin and her husband tried for a long time to have a baby.  Now that Oliver has come, it turns out there are some developmental problems with his legs.  His bones have not developed and there is talk of needing to do a double amputation. 

Please, God, have mercy on this family, these parents, and most of all young Oliver.  All life is precious and all humans a gift born in Your image. And while difficulties and trials can shape us and mold us into the people You would have us be, we can't help but pray that You intervene, give insight and skill to his physicians, and bring about a healing that will help Oliver begin his life without such a grave and debilitating start to the path You have set for him.  We pray You  will give peace, strength, and endurance to his parents, and that You give a double dose of peace and comfort to Oliver whatever may come.  We ask this, Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Your Son.  Amen.

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