
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why are we still burning witches at the stake?

Over at the Huffington Post, Jayanti Tamm asks the hard question:  Why is raising religion-free still taboo?  Well, that's news to me.  I didn't know it was taboo.  I suppose that some people might find it different.  A few might not approve.  But I'll bet just as many might not approve of raising your child Muslim, or Catholic, or Jewish, or anything else.  There certainly isn't a societal taboo about it.  If anything, the scale is tipped away from open displays of religion in the public forum. 

This is one of those cases where the revolution must feed itself.  I was told some years ago by an historian from S. America all about the revolutionary mindset.  Because the American Revolution was an anomaly, most Americans forget what revolutions are usually all about.  He reminded me that most of the time, the revolution must continue.  Either you find new baddies, or you have to insist the war needs fought, that the regime still needs defeated - even if you are sitting in the presidential palace while saying so.

So this is the typical thing you get.  We are a racist nation, even though Barack Obama is president.  We are a sexist nation because women still have less earning power and aren't as numerous in CEO positions, even though women are trashing men in most other areas.  We are a homophobic nation where gays can't survive, even though gays are among the highest earners in our country, and there is increasing intolerance against those who don't accept homosexual normality.  In short, when pushing a revolution, you can never, ever admit victory.  You want the revolution to go on, continue insisting that blacks use different drinking fountains, women are kept in the kitchen, gays are huddling in the back corners with no hope of survival, and atheists non non-traditional believers are the ones who are having difficulty justifying raising their kids their own way.

Of course, as a side note, it's funny when you read the entire article.  Essentially she is saying that you shouldn't impose your religious values on your kids.  You should impose her values on your kids.  One of the typical 'can't see the forest for the trees' arguments you get from some circles.

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