
Monday, May 9, 2011

Homognosticism strikes again!

Homognosticism, which is the post-modern manifestation of the homosexual rights movement, has struck another blow against free thought.  Turns out, Olympic gold medalist Peter Vidmar has been pushed out of his role as chief of mission for the 2012 Olympics.  Why?  Need you ask?  Is there any other movement, with the full support of news outlets and entertainment institutions, able to call for oppression, thought control, and censorship and receive a high five from those very institutions who once opposed the same? 

Homosexual rights and those inquisitors who enforce its dictates is so confident in its power and control, it no longer tries to hide the desire to squash freedoms, liberties, and rights.  It does so boldly and with pride.  It isn't for no reason that I have said homosexuality is the opportunity through which the post-modern secular Left will drive a wedge between those who have rights, liberties, and freedoms, and those who don't.

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