
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Randy Sly gives kudos to The Ten Commandments

In an interview with Fraser Heston, the late, great one's son, who was born during filming of the classic, and conveniently played the baby Moses. I know, I know.  It was Hollywood smultz at its highest.  But it was at least favorable to the traditional Biblical narrative of Western culture.  Not to mention the emphasis (in case you missed it) that nobody should live in bondage - strategically placed in a movie at the dawn of the Civil Rights era.  Inaccuracies and old fashioned melodrama from some of the actors is simply a sign of the times.  It was when Hollywood was going all out to compete against that newfangled invention called television.  And nobody was a better warrior for the big screen cause than Cecil B. DeMille.  Who can forget the pageantry, the splendor, the over the top portrayals of then-familiar biblical characters.  And of course, the parting of the Red Sea, one of the ultimate cinematic high points that forever etched in a generation the picture of how the event occurred - even if the biblical accounts aren't quite there.  This was a staple before the dark days of the PCMCE religion (that's Politically Correct Multi-Cultural Education), in which America, Western Civilization, and anything remotely connected with the Christian tradition (even if it was primarily Jewish), fell behind the bullseye.  Still, it's nice to see it released in time for Easter and the Passover, when it always has been.played on television.  I'm not sure if it is this year.  We'll have to see. 

Oh, and lest we get too highfalutin about the quality of our modern films; if the movies I've seen in recent years suggest anything, it's that The Ten Commandments was almost a dissertation in historical accuracy by comparison.

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