
Friday, February 4, 2011

Don't change your Friday plans to see Sanctum

At least not according to Steven Greydanus.  It doesn't even seem to rate the 'so bad it's good' recommendation.  Especially bothersome seems to be a shocking contempt for human life that seems to be coming from the plot line - what little there is.  Based on a real event, the story seems to go places that would have to make the real survivors thrilled they only endured a real life disaster, and not the one that could have been had screenwriters been in charge.

What seems worse to me is the presence of Ioan Gruffudd.  For folks who don't know, or only know him because of the sub-par Fantastic Four movies, he burst onto the scene in the late 90s with a series of made for TV movies back when Cable Channels meant quality entertainment.  The series, broadly titled Hornblower, and based on C.S. Forester's novels about the fictional Horatio Hornblower, were some of the best ever made for the tube.  Gruffudd seized each episode, completely entered the skin of the character, and made you believe.  Sad.  I know he's had some acclaimed roles, but seems to make some pretty bad choices.  My suggestion - stop trying for the big blockbusters, and go back to period pieces.  I have yet to see him not shine in such a role.

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