
Monday, January 10, 2011

The Tuscon Massacre

I may not blog much today.  I'm trying to get my head around what happened Saturday in Arizona.  I have a lot of opinions, and am trying to work them out.  I know already there are plenty trying to make political hay out of this, insist it's 'those people's fault', and try to advance whatever agendas they have.  Few will be pointing the fingers at themselves.  Most of what folks are saying now is 'discourse, discourse, discourse.'  Yet I know that's false.  Some of what I remember hearing 30 years ago is far worse than anything any public figure would say today.  It's gotta be something more foundational.  Something in the bloodstream of our society.  Something that is either the fault of our divisions, or the fault of whatever has led to our divisions.  But I don't want to say too much until I have time to sort it all through.  Right now I'm sort of working on a couple other obligations, plus keeping tabs with the news, the blogs, the websites that are covering this.  I'm no genius, but I know it's more than just a simple slogan 'it's the rhetoric stupid'.  It has to be deeper than that. 

So let me retreat into my hazy sanctum and tend to a few of my other obligations, and maybe some Holmseian deduction will hit me after looking at all the elementary facts.  Maybe not.  We'll see.

In the meantime, the best - and probably most mature - thing we can do is remember in our prayers those who are the real victims of this horror, their loved ones who must live forever with their losses, and all who were affected by the one who is ultimately to blame no matter what.  Till then, au revoir

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