
Friday, January 7, 2011

Ted Nugent: Smart man

Apparently the humble and mild Mr. Nugent has told Anderson Cooper that he couldn't support Sarah Palin for president. That's about where I am.  I don't hold Mrs. Palin one way or another.  I was certainly shocked at the flagrant sexism used against her in the 2008 campaign, including the oft repeated 'she should stay home with her special needs child where she belongs' that we all know is the cornerstone of modern feminist thinking.  I was especially interested in how the MSM dropped that archaic notion that a politician's kids should be off limits (like way back when after Chelsea Clinton went to college), particularly when it came to attacking a minor or insulting a special needs child.  But beyond Sarah Palin being a steak that drew the vile puss out of the infection that is post-modern Leftism, I don't think she is ready for the presidency.  I don't know if she ever will be ready.  Her lack of curiosity, her lack of willingness to learn troubles me.  That was a big problem with GW Bush, IMHO.  And I see too much of that when I listen to her talk.  I admire her devotion to her family, and willingness to put money where her mouth is regarding the value of a baby's life.  But that doesn't make her executive material, at least as I see it.


  1. "But beyond Sarah Palin being a steak that drew the vile puss out of the infection that is post-modern Leftism"
    Wow what a way of saying it!
    Agreed I think she is not to the point of wanting it either. She and her family went through way too much in 2008. I have a feeling it would not end up well for any of them if she did run.

  2. It was, that's why I said it. I think the MSM was caught off guard and didn't know what to say, so in the early days anyone was interviewed, including some on the Left who made it clear that Palin should stay home since she was the Mom. The continued attacks on her based on sex, the attacks on her minor daughter, the attacks on her baby and questions about whose baby he was (another example of birthers I guess), all showed a level of meanness I'd not seen before, especially since some of it was picked up by the 'respectable' MSM.


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