
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Some Muslim scholars praise assassination?

So apparently some Muslim scholars are praising the recent assassination Governor Salman Taseer in Pakistan of Punjab province. The story points out the background and the turmoil in that part of the world.  But what struck me is the headline.  The fact that some scholars praised the assassination.  What's that supposed to mean?  Am I supposed to be shocked?  Am I supposed to say,  'figures, that's just like those Muslims'?  Why didn't it say 'The Reason Some Muslims Scholars Praise the Assassination'?  Why is the headline acting as if the very fact that some do is news worthy?

One of the odd aftereffects of 9/11 was the bi-polarization of the Islamic world in the minds of many observers and commentators.  Suddenly there were only two types of Muslims: those who hijacked jets and flew them into skyscrapers, and everyone else who was no doubt peace loving, kind, tolerant, enlightened, and wanting to embrace a world view that looked suspiciously like our own (whoever the 'our' happens to be). 

Fact is, Islam is every bit as complex and diverse as any other grouping of human beings.  Out of the 1 billion plus Muslims in the world, it's highly likely that some are terrorists, and others appalled at any such violence in the name of Islam.  But in between those two sides is a potpourri of viewpoints and ideals.  Some who no doubt recoil at the thought of terrorism, but who fully support the subjugation of the world to Islam.  Others who would never want violence, but yet still see Islam as the force against which all other belief systems are to be measured.  Others who may reject any traditional views of Islam in order to embrace a post-modern progressive world view.  The list goes on.

So when an article headline says some Muslim scholars praise this attack or that assassination, it goes without saying.  Just like some atheists praised any amount of military action in the Middle East in order to set up secular governments.  Or some Christians support violence or even torture against Muslims in the name of counter terrorism.  Or some Buddhists or Hindus are involved in attacks against religious minorities.  It means about nothing. 

Given the horrendous track record of the last century, it would be nice if we humans learned that every group has its bad apples.  When we accept that, we won't be shocked to find out that the bad apples may come in different varieties.  And therefore, won't be inclined to make anything of it other than news as usual.

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