
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christianity will go

It will vanish and shrink.  I needn't argue about that, history will prove me right.
                                                                                                                        John Lennon

The 9th circuit court of appeals has, shockingly, reversed a lower court ruling and concluded that a cross at the San Diego war memorial is unconstitutional.  There is no apparent order about what has to happen to the cross.  But it can no longer stand as is.  The case was brought by Jewish war veterans who were offended by the presence of a cross back in the 80s.

Is this a huge defeat?  A massive assault on Christian faith?  I don't know.  I'm not a legal scholar.  My understanding of the finer points of law is right up there with my ability to build a space shuttle in my garage.  Like many things, I weigh such decisions in light of other goings on.  If we continue to see an openness and willingness for our public institutions to embrace or promote things like Islam or Judaism or Eastern Religious thought or atheist belief systems, while continuing to eradicate only Christianity and Christian symbols from the public sphere, then yeah, that's a problem. 

But for this, it's hard to say.  I feel bad for those veterans who liked the memorial as it is.  But we've found out already in our society that being offended is a matter of privilege.  Some folks can, using the current legal and social strains of thought, scream offense and move mountains.  Others can say the same things about what offends them and garner nary a yawn. 


  1. That is a shame, but I personally figured that is what was going to happen. Sorry to say this is not the first nor will it be the last act against the Faith and it's symbols.

  2. No, and my fear is the symbols some target are increasingly from one particular religion, and no others. It's simply, in the end, moving America from one moral foundation to a new moral foundation, one that doens't seem to want certain beliefs messing with the stew.


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