
Friday, December 10, 2010

Optical illusions for your viewing pleasure

Don't plan on being around much over the weekend.  So I thought I'd link to this most splendid page of illusions guaranteed to blow your mind.  I'm working up a first post for a series I'm kicking around.  It will look on just why I became Catholic.  It certainly wasn't for the big pay checks.  And this time of year I'm keenly aware of the sacrifice my family has made as we came back to the Catholic Faith.  So I'll be posting a little here and there over the coming months, starting with a few posts on Sola Scriptura and how it impacted me as a Protestant.  Others will follow.  If something earth shattering should happen, like our political leaders do something to help the average American and stopping focusing 99% of their attention on what happens to 1% of the population, I might jump on and throw out a thought.  Or if we get more snow than what we've had so far, which is just enough to make things messy, but not enough to make them pretty. 

In the meantime, spread the word kiddies.  Let five people know about my blog between now and when I'm back (probably around Monday).  I'm starting to get to know some of you, and the stats show a growing number of regular guests - which is wonderful!  Great comments and insights that get me to thinking.  I'm probably the one coming out on top in terms of what I'm getting back from you.  Thanks for coming by, and there will be more eclectic I think it was? musings of mine before you know it!

Also, I might have the opportunity of a really swell position at a local publisher.  That would be a royally awesome development, so prayers are requested. Otherwise, blessings and joy and comfort and tidings to you this Advent season, and see you all soon. TTFN

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