
Monday, December 13, 2010

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood continues on its quest

To help post-modern values become the one thing capable of making Nazi Germany look good.  Lowering the age of sexual consent in Peru?  Well done.  Of course it shouldn't be surprising.  For all the fusing and whining we do about the contempt for human life, the perversity and decadence, the raw exploitation of human beings as cattle for our own satisfaction we see in post-modern values, that's what comes of a society that throws off the yoke of Christian morality.  I know, folks will point to the Crusades, the Inquisition, slavery, witch burnings, and everything else to prove it happened in Christianity, too.

But it shows that getting rid of religion is no magic pill, don't it.  And we forget that while Christians, and sometimes even the Church, did such things, they were often against what the official teachings of the faith pronounced.  If some Christians chose to own slaves, there were many others who said that was wrong because of the faith.  If some bishops lived off the backs of the medieval peasant, there were others who pointed out that such living was contrary to the Gospel.

The problem with stories like this, lowering the age of sexual consent so those hot young 14 year olds can be fair game, it fits with the morals and principles of the movement.  If Christians would have done such things, it would have been against the teachings of the faith.  When post-moderns do such things, increasingly it appears to be in keeping with the teachings of the post-modern faith.  And that fits right in line with pining for a world that embraces a pre-Christian pagan ideal. 

This, of course, is what made the Nazis look so bad.  Nazism wasn't pure evil because it taught tolerance and love but produced a crop of madmen who did such horrible things.  Nazism became the incarnation of pure evil because the madmen were acting exactly as the Nazi philosophy dictated they act.  Something that is food for thought as we lurch ever closer to a society dominated by the post-modern, post-Christian age.

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