
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Why I blog

As I've said, I more or less started this because some folks suggested I write about the history lessons I teach.  Not being a professional writer in any stretch of the imagination, I decided I should do something to force my otherwise lazy fingers to start putting down in words what my thoughts are on various subjects.  This keeps me at least somewhat disciplined.  Hopefully it helps me get a little better.  We'll see. 

Truth be told, most posts are just observations or thoughts off the top of my head.  Due to years of schooling, writing sermons, writing articles for church newsletters and other sources, and generally writing this or that, I've developed a rather speedy typing ability.  So I can sit down and pop off a two page reflection in about a minute or so.  I will typically do a spell check, and that's about it.  So they are often very raw thoughts.  Down the road, I may reduce the number of posts and work more on developing the ideas, as well as doing a little more editing.  Right now, the more things I write, the more folks come by to see what's here.  It's the best way I have - being an otherwise nobody that has no other avenue into the public forum - to get my blog out there (unless you visitors like to promote my blog to others - hint, hint).

But in all of this, one surprising benefit of the blog has come to my attention.  It's the comments people write.  Yes, even the ones that call me to task.  Sometimes they point out that I may have said something in a hasty way, as a visitor named Alex caught a few weeks ago.  Sometimes they give insights to me as a blogger.  And sometimes they just hit one out of the ballpark and give me something to think about, reflect on, and build on for future thoughts and posts.

Take this little gem.  I had posted on the Archbishop Pietro Sambi's call for us to evangelize, praising the emphasis on outreach that my Protestant gene often years for.  Then one of my readers, S_Cobbler, posts this in the comments section:
And yet when we show any sign of taking our morality seriously, it's called phariseeism.

Dunno whether that plays into this or not, but I think you may count me in the group that says we have to start by reevangelizing the Catholics.
I've been thinking on that since the post.  I'm still formulating a response to that.  I'll do that sometimes.  A reader some months ago asked me to elaborate on the Church's teachings on justification, and I'm still working that one out.  Despite my tendency to pop things off the top of my head, there are times when I take a little extra to make sure things are correct - especially where theology, doctrine, or history are concerned.  Things I tend to take seriously.   I'll get back to this.  It hits, I think if I'm reading it right, on a subject I've noticed since becoming Catholic.  When I'm ready, I'll post my thoughts.  But all because of this comment I've been able to revisit some ideas and think of new things, realize there are others who may agree with me on some topics, and generally (and hopefully) become a better Catholic thinker because of it. 

Bring on the comments!  They're the best gift I get from this blog, and what really has been that hidden blessing I wasn't counting on when I started the whole thing. 

P.S. This also shows that any correspondence to me, whether by email or in the comments, is fair game for any future posts.  Though in most blogs that usually understood, I thought I'd mention it for future reference.


  1. Keep the articles coming and I am sure comments will keep coming as well. Love your more sermonizing articles too. They often get reflection happening and lifting of the spirit. Not enough of that these days.

  2. I agree. I enjoy the reflections from your point of view as a pastor. I have seen an improvement in your posting, and look forward to more insightful comments.

  3. I'm flattered. See Julius Caesar, Act 2, Scene 1, about two hundred lines in.

    I third the lauding of the sermon-like posts and your thoughts in general.


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