
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Thanksgiving Hymn

Churches have some thanksgiving hymns, but outside of church the only song I ever heard growing up was Over the River and Through the Woods.  We used to sing it in most of the grades during music class right about this time of year. No music accompaniment here.  Sorry, just the lyrics.  Perhaps it will bring back memories for the older folks, and the younger ones will wonder what it had to do with anything, since according to my boys they mostly know this from A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. 

Over the river, and through the wood,
To Grandfather's house we go;
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
through the white and drifted snow.
Over the river, and through the wood—
Oh, how the wind does blow!
It stings the toes and bites the nose
As over the ground we go.
Over the river, and through the wood,
To have a first-rate play.
Hear the bells ring, "Ting-a-ling-ding",
Hurrah for Thanksgiving Day!
Over the river, and through the wood
Trot fast, my dapple-gray!
Spring over the ground like a hunting-hound,
For this is Thanksgiving Day.
Over the river, and through the wood—
And straight through the barnyard gate,
We seem to go extremely slow,
It is so hard to wait!
Over the river, and through the wood—
Now Grandmother's cap I spy!
Hurrah for the fun! Is the pudding done?
Hurrah for the pumpkin pie!

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