
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thank goodness Muslims have the hajj and not Christmas

Otherwise we might not learn anything about it.  For its part, the MSM continues to do a good job covering Muslim religious practices and customs. What's holding back the 'shoe styles for the modern pilgrim' stories is beyond me.  Perhaps a new found respect and admiration for the role that religious belief plays in the life of most human beings?  Maybe.  The fact that the MSM is scared out of its pants when it comes to Islam?  Perhaps.  The fact that Islam is, and this is important, not Christianity?  I wouldn't doubt.  As it is, there have been many stories from various outlets covering the different parts, practices, and pilgrimages of a host of Islamic holy days and festivals over the last year or so.  I find it fascinating, though guess it probably isn't nearly as complete as most practicing Muslims would prefer.

Nonetheless, it's a massive improvement over what Christianity will get.  Turkey day, that day we shuffle our feet about lest we spend too much time on the religious/genocidal heritage of the holiday, is quickly being absorbed into our annual glorification of Mammon. And the holiday formerly known as Christmas will receive its annual passing references around the 24th and 25th.  Beyond that, and some typical 'the Jesus story was a myth!' sensationalism on some cable channels and monthly periodicals, most of the coverage will be about anything other than the Christian connection to the holiday.  Prizes for anyone who finds coverage of the season of Advent, the part in which Christians historically prepared for the celebration of Christmas.  Christmas itself didn't break out in festivities until after Advent.  But our dear friends on Wall Street would not have us miss an entire month of valuable shopping, so 'Christmas' is that time somewhere in July that ends about three days before the 25th, when stores begin getting ready for Valentines Day.

Some special prizes to anyone who sees a day to day series of stories covering the twelve days of Christmas, or the Feast of Epiphany, which closes the season of Christmastide.  Or for that matter, any mention of the Feast of the Holy Innocents.  That's the day historically set aside to remember the slaughter of the infants by Herod as he sought out the child Jesus.  Bet you won't find any Hallmark cards calling that one to mind.  All in all, America's annual celebration of commercialism and consumerism has long displaced that holiday once centered around the baby in a manger.  Even in Catholic circles, it's difficult to remember that the holiday isn't over on the 26th (or for some folks the evening of the 25th: It's all over for another year!).  On the 25th, it's only beginning.  If the MSM covered it that way, folks might actually believe it.  But unless the media follow their recent trend inspired by giving Islamic practices space and respect, and transfers that approach to covering Christian holy days, I doubt anything will change in the minds of most Americans.

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