
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pray for the three victims in Knox County, Ohio, and their families

Horrible, just unthinkable.  I won't go into the details, but a woman and her son and daughter, along with the woman's friend, were taken and brutally killed.  The story is here, along with their names.  Her daughter is the only survivor, found bound and gagged in the basement of the suspect's home.  One of Satan's greatest coups was getting the world to emerge from the 20th century - of all centuries - firmly convinced that evil doesn't really exist.  Things like this should remind us that it does, but that only means Good, real tangible Good, also exists.  Which is why we can pray to the Father of Light and the Lord of love, the author of every good and perfect gift, to bring comfort and peace to the families, friends, and all who are affected.  And we can lift up the souls of those who were slain and pray that they find final peace in the arms of God, a peace this world so seldom offers.  Saint Francis pray for them.

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