
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jim Tressel: Thou art cool

So after the Buckeyes pull another nail biter over the Hawkeyes, Coach Tressel is stopped for the obligatory post-game field interview.  The reporter asks him 'what was the difference in the game?'  Tressel's answer?  We had twenty points.  Love it.  Another cliff hanger compliments of the Buckeyes.  With Wisconsin running roughshod over anything in their paths, it seems unlikely we'll be visiting Pasadena this year.  And since most of the top ten won't do us the service of loosing, any hopes for a national championship have long gone the way of the Dodo bird.  But a nice bowl appearance in the Sugar Bowl or similar venue is still a probability, especially if we handle ourselves well against that team up north this week.

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