
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Charles Rangel to remain in Congress

Good for him.  According to what I've seen on the news, folks seem pretty content with this decision.  But I admit it's getting harder and harder to object to folks who say all politicians are liars and crooks.  Not to mention those who say Washington is corrupt and no longer has any morals, values, or care about the common person. 


  1. And if he was a Republican what would you say?

  2. I believe what Dave said was "it's getting harder and harder to object to folks who say all politicians are liars and crooks"
    He did not say Democrats or republicans. In the end politics as usual is pretty corrupt. This has been evidenced within both parties and they should all be ashamed of where they have taken this country. But to suggest that Dave may have said something different if it were a republican is rather shallow of you. Obviously this is and has affected all of politics.


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