Or should I say bloody tomahawk. Yes, I see the sensitivities involved. By as a person of Irish lineage, perhaps it's time to dispense with the Fighting Irish? No, I would never be so small, so petty, so insistent that everyone in the world change to conform to me. But then I make a bad post-modern American, where focusing on myself and expecting the world to adapt to me is the MO of enlightened living.
If you can't see the diffirecen between Irish and Native Americans and their treatement, you just don't get it. Maybe you want to celebrate images of racism and genocide, but most Americans today are happy to put those images behind us.
ReplyDelete1st the article actually mentions the Fight Irish- which is I would imagine why DaveG brought it up.
ReplyDelete2nd the demolision of icons of everyone's past seems to just keep going and going. I am sorry but the "Indians" or if you would prefer "native Americans"(which they were not the first to live in this land anyway) were a brutal people- that is why so many have chosen them as their mascott over the years. Just admit what is reality. The American Indian was known as "savages" back in their time. They fought with each other and fought with the new settlers. They faught whenever they could - As a person who has American Indian Heritage I am fine with saying they were a brutal people. I also have an ancestor who was capture by Indians- her children were killed and when she gave birth her new child was also killed all in front of her. I can see things from both sides and I am rather tired of hearing about the poor indians and the "slaughter of their innocence" - Ask Jenny Wiley about that one.
Savages? Try studying European history. How about American history. Who else has ever nuked innocent civilians? Not Islamic terrorits. Not Indian 'savages'. Wake up and look at what our history really teaches.
ReplyDeleteDifferent times have differnt kinds of savages. I never have said it was right for the Americans to use nuclear weapons. So don't assume because I (being of American Indian Heritage) am willing to admit that they were savages of their times that I believe the Nuclear weapon usage was the correct path to take. I am just glad that I was not the one who had to make that decision. So please get off your libral high horse and look at reality for once. Just because someone disagrees with you on one point to wrap everything else that you say is wrong on them. That is just not quite right. I have personal history on my side. You do not. if you feel that taking a woman and her children from their home, killing her children in front of her and then once she has given birth to her next child killing it in front of her and then keeping her held captive is not savagery then you need some help.
ReplyDeleteI think the point is, don't replace good myth with bad myth. Which is what has happened in our modern approach to history. I'll post on what that means later. But for it all, to be honest, I'm a little curious as to where you get your moral absolutes with which you approve of a school being told it cannot choose its own mascot. Last I heard, the American Left was all about tolerance and complete diversity based on a lack of absolute values and truths. Perhaps you could answer that.