
Monday, August 16, 2010

Question to News Media

I heard a lead in to a story about the Arizona immigration law and the Tea Party this morning. The lead in was 'Tea Party activists showed support of Arizona's controversial immigration law.' Yet I also heard a story about Prop. 8. I noticed that Prop 8. was also deemed controversial. My question is, why are things that the majority of Americans support controversial, when those who oppose them are not controversial? For instance, I don't believe I've ever heard the media refer to gay marriage as controversial, even though most Americans oppose it. Why not refer to the movements or agendas that oppose the majority of Americans as controversial, rather than the issues that most Americans support? It's a rhetorical question of course. It doesn't really take a genius to figure it out.


  1. Sarcasm Detector is on and running, but that is ok. Sometimes a little sarcasm on an early monday morning is ok.
    The Majority must be what charaterizes controversial. That must be in the new definition of controversial that the main stream media has in their Y2K dictionaries. I don't know but I think someone must have edited that up and made some word changes that have sent the MSM off in the wrong direction.
    OK so now my sarcasm is coming out.

  2. Yep, once in a while, sarcasm is the only response that works.


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