
Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th Trumped by God

Two shots of a spectacular show from God's creation reminding us we are not confined to the worries of this time and place. One on the way home with the kiddies, and one from our front yard of the same scene. I know for atheists this is merely a collection of molecules doing their thing. But for people of faith, we have the added gift for seeing beyond the veil of physics to the heart and soul of what is the great act. We not only see the celluloid, but appreciate the film, and can even celebrate the work of a Spielberg or a Hitchcock. A person of faith sees something like these pictures of a sunburst on our way home from eating out with the kids, and an otherwise dreary week of ill fortune and disappointments (including not getting submitted articles published) fades away. Even silly superstitions appear put in their place.

Oh, the problems are still there, lest the skeptic snort in derision and suggest this is all a crutch for us to escape our problems. The problems are still there, the hurdles need cleared, the obstacles overcome. But it reminds us folks with the gift of faith that, in the end, there is much more than simply the day-to-day concerns awaiting us. There is something bigger, a small shard of which we can enjoy with the moments spent at a fish restaurant on Friday, a baby running and playing with his brothers, or a spectacular reminder that when God created, he did so out of sheer joy and love. With that, a blessed weekend to all, until next week. TTFN.

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