
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Just starting and already taking a vacation.

Family is coming in tomorrow and will be here through the end of the week. Will resume next week all you anxious followers! I know, I know. There aren't any. But someday! In the meantime, we'll come back next week with some reflections on how Catholicism filled those little gaps I discovered in my Protestant ministry. We'll look at Oliver Stone's ideas about Hitler, Stalin, Jews in the media, and other goodies and see just how that reflects what is happening in our society today. Who knows, maybe a movie review or two. I'll muse on this, post on that, and generally keep an eye on the news of the world, and try to get a grip on things and how they impact the future, and how - in my own humble opinion - being Catholic has, for the first time, given me a sense of stability even when all around me appears to be going quite mad. So that's all folks. Till next week, blessings and let a little of the joy God gives bring some light into your lives.

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