
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Honesty is hardly ever heard

And we know why.  At least nowadays. 

So the media is exploding over a book written by Krisi Noem.  In it, she describes putting one of her dogs down after it became uncontrollable.  Being in the country, she shot it.  Old Yeller stuff.  Maybe she shouldn't have.  Maybe there were other ways.  Maybe it was all she could think to do at the moment.  I don't know.  I just know the world in which we would have had a discussion - even a heated one - about what she writes in her book is long dead. 

Now it's as if someone is trying to reason with a lynch mob.  Kristi Noem is on the same ranks as Manson.  Her name a byname for cruel, barbarian, savage, killer - all words I've heard applied to her.  And this is driven by that thing I used to call the news media. You'd think she bult gas chambers. Of course animal rights advocates are heavily quoted in the outrage.  It helps lend credibility to the hysteria. 

She lived on a ranch or farm or something similar from what I can tell.  I haven't read the book.  And people who exist in the real world like farms and ranches often have experiences different from what armchair Cliff Clavins on the Internet imagine the world should be.  And the media, hoping to gin up any rage hate against anyone right of center, mixed with the usual suspects with fingers poised over their keyboards in anxious anticipation, charges forth with rage hate, condemnation, and conviction sans trial. 

That's the world the media wants.  That's the world the establishment wants.  One where we don't dare be honest.  We don't dare admit to anything.  We fear any word we say.  Because in our world, anything less than perfection is only worthy of eradication.  And the fools who fall for this new world standard will be the ones who scream the loudest when that principle finally turns back on them.  


  1. Replies
    1. That is a good story. Good news that it's out there. I wish there was more. Though there probably is. You'd just never know it.

  2. (Tom New Poster)
    First, credits to navy beans nearly all those screaming about killing a dog are fine with killing a baby. Second, it seems tempered disapproval is no longer allowed. Saying something like: "Gee, lady, it is the 21st century. You maybe had to do it, but that way?" and moving on isn't enough. That kind of media screaming is not unique to this country BTW. The British papers have lots of over-amped outrage of their own. The Scots Nats screeched about a cafe undergoing renovation in Edinburgh Castle called something like the Union Rooms, until someone pointed out that right next door were the Jacobite Rooms, and that the cafe had these names for decades.

    1. Yes, the media has become the enemy of rational discourse. And that it does so selectively, ignoring or downplaying calls to kill Jews while making the killing of a dog into the real Holocaust, shows that it has no heart, and has no soul at this point.

  3. Replies
    1. Nice to see common sense. And yes, we can discuss if this was appropriate or not, or at least when it happened. But it is now, today. Everything is the Holocaust, everything is Hitler, everything is genocide. And all from people whose worlds exist through the Internet, where the most they risk is a bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome. When you are encourage to live life in an illusion and condemn those in the real world, you know you've turned a corner as a civilization.


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