
Friday, December 8, 2023

This hurts


Now, I don't know if that is accurate or not, but it sure feels accurate.  I know there are things we have to buy for my mom that have doubled in two years.  And they weren't cheap to begin with.  The same goes for other items at the store.  And we won't even discuss utilities and housing.  

What is telling for me is that those on the Left are acting like nothing is wrong.  I know the media is doing this and I know why.  But not all to the left are multi-billionaires.  Certainly some of them have to be struggling like the rest of us.  I mean, had my wife not done yeoman's work finding a new position that came with a pay raise, I don't know that we'd be making it.  And she makes what only a few years ago was considered a very, very good salary.  Combined with the rest of our income, we are still just barely making it. 

And others, who are Democrats and swing left, must be in the same boat.  Yet all I hear from those I know are how awesome everything is.  Am I missing something?  Usually there is a breaking point with people, but I'm not seeing it. I find that a troubling sign when people who are struggling will say nothing because it's their guy in office.  At least acknowledge it is bad and blame Republicans.  But this is full denial. Which, by my lights, is never a good sign. 


  1. I'm pretty sure the TDS is still strong with people. They can't admit that maybe, just maybe, the alternative was actually worse. IMO, if you couldn't see the obvious worse ahead of time you were willfully blind or stupid. We can't even know to the full extent dumb policies have affected our lives, in particular our pocketbooks, because our media carries only the narrative water. I wonder if they even realize they are all essentially Pravda at this point...

    1. The amazing thing is the ease with which they accept that under Trump our nation was a giant gas chamber where minorities everywhere were being murdered and oppressed, while we were having weekly nuclear wars because the press said so. The same ones who took the once celebrated Elon Musk and declared him Hitler. And we're at the point where many of these people have to be suffering under the same crushing inflation, but will choke on it rather than dare rock the boat.

  2. Yes, I don't get it either. And the weird hysteria that Trump would be some "dictator." I'm sitting here... "You mean like how the Biden admin is dictating all these policies that affect everything from gas stoves, vehicle production, and who can use my local school bathroom??" It's just laughable how stupid and backwards it is.
    Anyway, I think after Oct. 7, we need to drop any reference to Hitler as a derogatory term. It no longer holds the same meaning as it did before then as too many people have outed themselves as being okay with wiping out Jews as a goal in and of itself.

    1. I find projection is a major tactic of the Left. If you say you fully support free speech, though thing we should protect children - you're a fascist. Only to watch them turn and ban and censor anything and everything until the cows come home. But the idea that it's always the Republicans has been around since i was in school. I remember the dominant narrative in my youth was that it's the GOP who is always the warmongering party. Yet at that time, I couldn't help notice that all of our wars to that point happened under Democrats. Same with the GOP wanting to control Hollywood or the Press, only to see Democrats be the ones willing to step in and take charge if they can.


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