
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Going forward in the New Year

So things are about to get interesting with the old family.  I posted a few weeks back about our rather up and down year, especially through the fall and my wife's job predicament that, in the end, turned out much better for us - especially cost of living being what it is. 

It was a rough October, and though we tried to see things through - including desperately trying to have a good time around our eldest's birthday - it was a bumpy month to be sure.  Though there was one big bright light that came out that I've been informed I can finally announce publicly.

Turns out I'm going to be a grandpa!  Which is sort of the big news around here.  In addition to the book store, my son and daughter-in-law will be bringing a new gift from God to the clan.  Because of that, things will adjust in the coming year.  I'll go into more detail in the new year.  But for now, that's things.  A blessed and joyful new year to all, and I'll be back next week.  God bless, and TTFN. 


  1. Congratulations!!! I’ve been waiting for this announcement :) What a wonderful gift to look forward in the New Year!!

    1. Thanks! Yes, it makes the new year have a whole new look.

  2. (Tom New Poster)
    Best wishes to the parents and the new little guy (or gal). I'm only a great-uncle (twice), but I share your joy.

    1. Thank you. I've been an uncle, and great uncle, but this is the first grandbaby.

  3. Great news Gramps! All of the fun of kids, and none of the responsibility! Sweet!

    1. I have every intention of spoiling the baby to the extent of my abilities!

  4. Dave, that's awesome! So happy for you and your family!
    Here, a cute little commercial in honor of this momentous day.

    1. Thanks! We joke that we were blessed. Our oldest was sleeping almost 11 hours through the night within a month. In a few more months it was about 13 hours without waking. That wasn't something they all managed, but he made looking forward to the next ones all that much easier!

  5. Replies
    1. Yep. It was great news at a time when such news was desperately needed.


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