
Thursday, November 16, 2023

David French and Mark Shea are happy with Ohio's abortion ammendment

Yep.  What did Ohio's stupid bishops know?  They fought against a loosely worded amendment that would allow future laws to broaden abortion, and gender decisions to be constitutional rights for all citizens regardless of age.  But Mark praises French's enlightened take down of those who tried to keep abortion from being enshrined as a constitutional right, and the door opening for so much more.  

You know I'm not fan of Trump.  I didn't vote for him and even voted for Kasich, who by then I was no fan of, to stop him.  But Trump did do one valuable thing.  He drew out those who clearly were ready to go Vichy with the Left.  For them, Trump was ever an excuse, not a reason.  And the trees are visible by their fruit. 


  1. Wow. That’s just all I can say. How off the mark can you be in reading, not only this situation, but the overall state of affairs regarding the work of the pro life movement and the general culture at large?

    1. Hah! Nice pun.

    2. The worse the Left becomes - like now trying to sweep the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust under the carpet - the more people like Mark, French and others must insist that the real enemies of the universe are those rascally conservatives. If we don't stop them now, then the Death Star will blow up Alderaan. If you live in Nazi Germany and want to justify aligning with the Germans against the Allies, then you must convince yourself no matter what the Germans are doing, the Allies are far worse. With a sympathetic media, education system and, yes, religious traditions, this is easily done nowadays.

  2. I'm old enough, I remember when Mark Shea and David French were pro-life.

    1. Oddly, I don't know if he would still maintain it. He banned me from Facebook back in the day, accusing me of accusing him of being pro-choice. I wasn't, and told him I wasn't. I just noted he was supporting Bernie Sanders - a radical pro-choice pol - without any qualifiers or caveats. Now? Hard to say.

  3. It's been a growing meme among the right that the Left doesn't have double standards, they have hierarchy and they, the "elite" and "enlightened" ones are allowed and get to do stuff that you, the second class citizen do not get to do.

    So I mean you look at it that way and it all makes sense doesn't it? What are your principles worth when you get to be a first-class citizen with all the rights and privileges thereof?

    1. In hindsight, we should have realized what was going on when back in the 70s and 80s, when liberals were all about 'we can't be a truly enlightened nation until everyone can freely express themselves without consequence - now stop saying policeman you chauvinist pig, and say Police Person!' I mean, right there it was obvious the movement called liberalism was more Orwellian than Orwell. Now it's almost in the bloodstream to say it's stupid and wrong when the non-left does it, but just hunky-dory when done by progressives to further the Left's agendas. And that includes violence, death and censorship.


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