
Thursday, November 23, 2023

A blessed Thanksgiving

Here's a fun thing my wife had sent to her on the new team she is now working with since our little spell over October.  It's what comes with being in a division focused on stats and legal matters I suppose.  Fun stuff, but interesting what is included - and what isn't:

In any event, a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to all!


  1. Interesting to see that the average cost of a 10 person dinner and what hosts spend to host are quite disparate! Nice to see that most people seem to prioritize the right things in their gratitude hierarchy, and I'm pleasantly surprised that thankfulness for "personal freedom" cracked more than 50%! Sorry to see no mention of Sarah Josepha Hale, the woman primarily responsible for Lincoln declaring Thanksgiving as a national holiday! Regardless, very interesting list. Thank you for sharing! And Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family :)

    1. Yeah, I noticed a few things missing. But it was interesting to see some of the stats. Mostly it was my wife learning to settle into a division that is high on stats and figures. I figure she should expect more of the same.

  2. That $64.05 for seems a bit low, are those Biden numbers that are being used? ;)

    1. If they were numbers based on Biden, you couldn't afford the meal.


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