
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Pope Francis and those rascally Mongolians

So everyone was buzzing about Pope Francis' usual off the cuff remarks.  In this case, praising the history of Imperial Russia, giving high fives to China without qualifiers and, in a shock to many, praising the glories of the Mongol Empire.  

Now, this is standard leftwing boilerplate.  If it's west of the Danube or from North America, then it's a watermarked Swastika.  Otherwise, eh.  It's generally pretty awesome.  In this Washington Post piece, we learn just how cool the Mongols were, as oppose to those backward Europeans and Christians who were all about thinking on how cool the Mongols were. 

When I was in high school and college in the 1980s, the uber-narrative of history was that the world still owed the Western Tradition big time.  Though you could find glimmers of good things here and there throughout the ages, the whole package came together in the West like no other time or place in human history.  The wealth and luxury, the medical and technological breakthroughs, the basic creature comforts we take for granted that would have been science fiction a century before.  Not to mention the full package deal of democracy, equality, human rights, and rule of law. All came together in the West and culminated in the American Experiment like never before.

With that said, in the post-60s and 70s, we were also being called on to revisit the sins of our past.  It wasn't enough to say it was bad we used to own slaves, but isn't it awesome we stopped?  We had to bring back the sins and repent, repent and repent again.  We also had to admit that, at our worst, we were just as bad as any other culture in history.  Likewise, in different ways, those cultures could at times be as good as us.  OK, fair enough.

But by the time my boys entered public school in the 2000s, that narrative was gone. Two decades of a corrupted view of multi-culturalism, injected with leftwing and Marxist sympathies, threw that narrative out the window.  By the time my sons came along, we had long proved the Mormons had to be wrong.  Jesus never came to the New World.  He wasn't good enough.  The Americas, like anywhere outside of Europe/ North America, were perfect and beautiful and filled with perfect and beautiful people.  Think Dances With Wolves.  

The rest of the world was the same.  I recall seeing a children's book about the Aztecs in a children's book section.  Beautiful people those Aztecs.  Peace loving, gentle, innovative, hard working.  A virtual paradise.  Back in 2011, I posted on a book pitched on CNN about how awesome was the Mongol Empire.  When I read my son's high school world history book, it was pretty much that.  Beautiful empires in beautiful cultures and beautiful societies with beautiful people.  Except the West.  That's where the racism, sexism, phobias and bigotry ran rampant, usually with a boorish and backward people who ate dirt and never bathed.  The only bright spot in the West being shout outs to figures like Lenin, Mao, and Marx. 

So not really sure why the shock here. As typical, Pope Francis is simply repeating leftwing narratives and templates since that's where he abides.  Just like his dig early on in his pontificate about America and the Holocaust.  He apparently accepted the old canard about how we could have stopped the Holocaust by bombing a couple rail lines. Easy-peasy.  But no.  Not America. You know us and our racism.  Which is why he has hated January 6th, but has loved BLM. 

One of the core messages of the Left is that the world was nearly a perfect paradise, especially where knowing the importance of population control and animal pleasures are concerned.  But then came the vile Western Tradition, which visited all the evils of the world upon humanity.  So bad is it presented now, that anything associated with white, European and American Christians can and should be reimagined or outright rejected.  Among such things are ideals like forgiveness, reconciliation, equality and liberties traditionally understood. I expect more will be added to the list at the rate we're going.  And I seriously doubt Pope Francis will stand in the way. 


  1. (Tom New Poster)
    As Chesterton observed: outside Christendom the individual counts for nothing against the state. The Left is collectivist and all non-Western cultures are pretty much collectivist also. Shut up and do what you're told by the mandarins, brahmins, caliphs, khans, what-have-you and (voila) paradise on earth.

    1. That servitude for the masses is more or less the at-rest position of humanity. We in the West have been taught to assume the freedom and equality we enjoy are universal, and every other place in the world did it better than us. I fear our grandchildren are going to learn a tough lesson from that.

  2. This pope isn't simply refusing to get in the way of the tyrants. He is actively cheering them on and assisting them in every way. And why not --- he's one himself. And I don't want to hear any of that "You can't say such things about the Holy Father" crap. Yes I can, and yes I do.

    1. It's not hard to see a affinity for states that are far worse than the United States, which he seems to have little use for. But then, as I say, tyranny is the at-rest station for the world. Something I think our grandchildren are going to learn.

  3. Yeah. All those evils. We ingenious devils managed somehow to inculcate in the Japanese the tradition of seppuku, even though it was the other side of the world and for most of our history we did not even know the place existed. And the enormous human sacrifices to the Aztec sun god? Totally our fault!


    1. And it's not new. Back when I was in college, I had a professor who definitely clung to the idea that evil only existed in the world when it was brought by white Christian Europeans. In those cases where evidence of atrocities predated European arrival (or Europe for that matter), it was 'who are we to judge?'. It's so ridiculous it is almost impossible to combat.


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