
Friday, September 15, 2023

How old am I?

I'm old enough to remember when the Gay Rights Movement insisted nobody would ever be punished for disagreeing with gay marriage.  That was back in the 80s, when the - then - ludicrous notion that we could redefine marriage to include a gay couple was first floated.  As usual, the non liberals saw a clash of interests if gay marriage ever became a thing.  That was certainly an issue when I entered ministry, yet more than one liberal leaning colleague couldn't understand the worries.  Nothing but paranoia (or latent homosexual desires) they insisted.  All they wanted was for two adults to be able to be married and express their love for one another.  At no point would someone who disagrees be punished.  

Again, if I had three nickels for every time a progressive activist insisted they won't do something, only to watch them do it a few years later, I could buy Twitter.  It happens so regularly that, by now, we realize it isn't a coincidence or some strange development that occasionally happens.  It is part of the strategy, and has been all along. 

Oh, and that goes for the liberal objection that Kim Davis broke the law.  Yeah.  That's what comes from doing what those liberals I grew up with said is a no-no: legislating morality to impose your values on others.  You can never impose your values on others, so I was told a million times.  Again, here today, gone yesterday.  That is the modernist approach to principles. 


  1. Who's been punished simply for disagreeing with marriage equality? Last I checked, heterosexual couples were still getting married. No rights of heterosexuals have been affected.

    1. If you don't consider this punishment, I'd hate to think what you do consider punishment.

    2. Just keep on winding that spring there John.

  2. Everyone should read ‘The Last Closet’ by Moira Greyland. Moira is the daughter of Marian Zimmerman Bradley. She grew up in a household with homosexual parents, both sides, and concludes that it is homosexuality which is the problem.
    Read it!

    1. I'm certainly willing to believe that idea. It has done little good, and the bad - which we are not allowed to speak to - continues to go on without challenge.


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