
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

He must be making progress

I posted on Vivek Ramaswamy the other day.  Now ABC has done a hit piece on him.  My guess is that he's showing some potential.  

At this stage, the former media is more a propaganda/secret police agency.  It operates to maintain narratives by elevating or ignoring stories accordingly.  If someone is brutally murdered, the first questions are what group identities, skin color, or other designators are involved.  The answer to that will determine if it is a story plastered across front page headlines for days or weeks, or if it is covered for a day and then dropped.  We darn well know this is true.

But the press also launches attacks on anything or anyone that might challenge or otherwise harm the ascendancy of the political Left.  As in the ABC piece linked above.  It's nothing other than 'my hunch is he's a bad man, a very bad man.'  It's more gossip column than news article.   It provides some details, but wrapped in a bunch of accusations and opinions that he's really in it for all the wrong reasons.  That's because people think so. 

Hint: when someone relies on accusing someone of ulterior motives, it's best to ignore.  No matter what field they write for. 


  1. Remember your boys' saying that arguing with the Left is like playing monopoly while the other side throws pots and pans at you?

    Slightly correction: It's like trying to play football where the referees are throwing pots and pans at your team

    1. That's a good comparison. We often say what do you do when you realize the other team isn't the only ones cheating, but the officials and the announcers are, too.

  2. This might be a case of broken clocks being right twice a day. The media are terrible, but Ramasphony deserves scrutiny.

    1. I want him scrutinized as well. But this isn't doing it. As I referenced in my other response, this article is just a rumor screed. A sort of 'yes he looks pretty, but what's really in his wicked little mind.' The more the criticisms sound like that, the more I'll come to believe there are no criticisms of significance.


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