
Friday, July 21, 2023

That might explain things

Deacon Steven Greydanus, who is also a film critic of some note, is now a contributor at  Obviously it is a site born of the late, and often cantankerous, film critic. It has several film critics now who throw in their two cents where movies are concerned.  Here is Deacon Greydanus's debut article.  

When I see things like that, I think of things like this:

Remember him?  He was a young fellow who rose to prominence following the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.  He was one of the few such youth activists who didn't have to be swept under the carpet for embarrassing gun control advocates by going crazy extremist.  

If you recall, it was discovered his college exam scores were a bit sub-par, at least where Ivy League standards are concerned.  But in a surprising turn of events, it was off Harvard he went.  Now he's a Harvard graduate.  

Sometimes it's difficult to fathom how rational human beings could accept the madness being peddled by the modern Left.  But then sometimes it isn't. 


  1. This also reminds me of all the super unfunny comediennes who keep getting shows and paydays and gigs to host things... but have the “right” kind of views so...

    1. It amazes me just how much the modern Left apes everything old liberals used to accuse the old time conservatives of doing. Like this. The idea that if you sucked up to the Man, you could go far was anathema to old time liberals. Now? Ahem. See above. Not only are we rewarded for conforming, but you get the impression a growing number of Americans understand all too well what it is going to take to get ahead in the emerging era.

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