
Monday, July 17, 2023

Stories like this make me smile

Johnny Depp dons his Jack Sparrow alter ego to honor the memory of a 11 year old child who was a fan.  I recall ages ago, in the early years of St. Blogs, over at the old Catholic and Enjoying It, there was a bit of a row when some commenters mocked and ridiculed the Make a Wish Foundation.  I'm not sure why.  I mused then that of all the things in the world to belittle, are we sure we want to target an organization that tries to give a little happiness to terminally ill children and their loved ones?   Ah, such is the world of the Internet, even back then.

Yes, the cynic in me says this is Depp pulling a publicity stunt.  Or Depp trying to rebuild his reputation after what appeared to be a pretty nasty court case with his ex.  Perhaps.  But I still like it.  And the better side of my nature, which often resides in deep recesses in my darker moments, likes to think it's because Depp is simply a human being who, when given the chance, wanted to do something nice for a young child in an otherwise naughty world.  


  1. Sometimes in all the debates about morality, we forget that only God can judge hearts, we can only judge outcomes. Let God judge Depp, for me it is enough he showed kindness.

    And of course we should not begrudge anybody's charity. The money going to research and medicines is obviously valuable and each should be remembered by God to the credit of the donator. But I do think things like make a wish (or another I donate to: Kidd's kids) are important too. When trying to heal the body, we must not lose sight of healing the spirit as well.

    1. I, too, support things like MaW. But I saw this, and at first loved the story, then the meaner side came to my mind about his motives. Then I realized it doesn't - or shouldn't - matter. Trying to avoid being suspicious in a suspicious age isn't easy, and goodness knows I can do a better job of it.

  2. He did the right thing for someone who needed it and will treasure it forever. As some wise British statesman once said (paraphrasing): "The right thing is so rarely done these days that we shouldn't look too closely at the motivation."

    1. I like that. The right thing is scarce it seems, at least done for the right reasons. I must do better in the cynicism department.

  3. Absolutely agreed!


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