
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Says middle aged white dude

Ever since John Lennon sat in his multi-million dollar English estate with a custom decorated Rolls-Royce in the driveway and asked the world to imagine no possessions, proxy martyrdom has been all the rage.  What is proxy martyrdom?  That's my term for people willing to latch on to a righteous cause that demands sacrifice from anyone other than the people latching on to that righteous cause.  Consider wealthy celebrities flying in their private jets to the latest Climate Change conference. Or a rich and famous musician calling for a world with no possessions from the midst of his mansion.  Or anything to do with population control. Has anyone ever sacrificed for the cause of thinning the human herds? 

In fact, much of our modern activism is rather light on self-sacrifice while being heavy on self-righteousness.  Like the bold hero above.  And no, going out and looting, stealing televisions and laptops does not count as sacrifice.  

It is worth noting that the cause he is advocating is becoming common.  There is a growing number of activists calling for things like 'hire fewer white people', or 'don't hire white men' or 'don't this or that with this or that group.'  Often it is called for by people in those very groups.  For example, notice when white liberals beseech organizations to hire fewer people who look like them.  In many cases, those same white liberals have noticeably white hair.  Meaning their careers are comfortably in the rear view mirrors.  Whatever hiring changes come as a result of their pleas might impact millions of white people, especially young white people, but it won't impact them.  Proxy martyrs. 

The best way to approach this is to ask yourself just what they sacrificed when you see someone bravely facing the applause over something like antiracism, or gender, or causes dealing with sex, or climate change, or anything for that matter.  Ask yourself if anyone will have to sacrifice.  Then ask if the individual banging the drum for the cause is one who has, or will, have to sacrifice for the cause.  If there are people who might have to pay a price for the cause, but it's not the one boasting about supporting the cause, then it's best to walk away and ignore.  Find a real hero, because it ain't them. 


  1. There are two solutions Republican pols won't have the stones to advocate:
    Require that public sector positions be distributed according to competitive recruitment and promotion examinations, and explicitly strip the federal judiciary of jurisdiction over the process.
    Repeal the entire corpus of anti-discrimination law applicable to the private sector, replacing it with a residue.

    1. I see that happening like I see me going out tonight and getting a photo of Bigfoot.

  2. "proxy martyr" I like that.

    It calls to mind the line from Shrek: "Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."

    1. Yep. That's the sacrificial creed of so much modern activism.

  3. Must be bucking for a late-rotation promotion under a woke CO.

    1. I fear he's not alone. It looks like pandering to the new order is what the leadership is about, actually being an effective military coming in a distant second.


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