
Saturday, July 15, 2023

It has been over a year

Since my son and his then fiancĂ©e took the plunge and opened their own business.  It was last week that marked the anniversary of them taking ownership of the empty space that would be their bookstore.  A used book store and fixings.  I don't believe anyone in her immediate family is an entrepreneur.  I know on our side there aren't.  The closest is when I went into a brief business venture with my late brother-in-law back in my previous life.  What I learned there mostly was what not to do when opening a business.  

So exactly where they imagined they'd get their sage advice, I don't know.  In any event, they took a big leap out and opened it.  With no real capital - since they can't get any type of loan to save their lives - they've managed to scrape, scratch, claw and crawl and make it work.  The anniversary of their opening day will be this Labor Day.  Already they are planning much fanfare and promotional ideas for the event. 

I'll be honest, we're all pleasantly surprised.  Granted, they're still just nearing the beach and haven't really established a foothold.  I don't know about now, but back in the day, conventional wisdom was that you had to make it past about five years to be settled in a new business venture.  Naturally even that doesn't guarantee anything (think Covid Lockdowns).

Nonetheless, one year under the belt isn't bad for a couple young kids just taking the great leap forward.  I've told them no matter what happens, they have already learned more and experienced more than many a college graduate with a four year business degree.  Just the experiences they've had, the people they've had a chance to meet, and lessons they have learned, are price beyond measure.  So here's to another year ahead.  

Everything is a potential help, and this visit appears to have been no exception

Always what you want to see.  That comes with not having a local bookstore for endless years.

UPDATE:  I stand accused.  So quick was I to post my admiration for the two I forgot to provide a link to the store itself!  Heh.  Well, here it is:  Griffeys' Book Emporium.  And yes, you can order books through them, if you were wondering.  :) 


  1. Well,where is the link to their store?
    What's the name of the place? Location?.....geeshe,a fine "salesman" ...

    1. Heh. Major blunder on my part! Thanks for the catch. And it is corrected.

  2. How wonderful! What a big first year the young entrepreneurs have had in their personal and professional lives!! Congratulations!

    1. Yep,, they keep amazing us. As I said, the experience they've amassed is itself priceless.

  3. Keeping you all in mind, and hoping for the best.

  4. That's not an insurmountable drive from here in southeastern lower Michigan. I will talk to the Much Better Half about a pilgrimage.

    1. I have it on the best authority that they would be thrilled. I'd love to know as well. Just drive safe!

  5. Many sincere congrats to the hardworking newly weds! I too must try to make a pilgrimage someday.

    1. As I said above, that would be awesome. Let me know, because they sure have the books.


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