
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

When Bishop Barron takes off the gloves

You know you're dealing with grave evil.  Bishop Barron isn't exactly known for his Terminator approach to adversaries of the Faith.  He's long tried the Neville Chamberlain approach and, as can be expected, usually ticks off everyone on all sides as a result.   

So for him to come out and explicitly say this is an anti-Catholic hate group, and call their behavior offensive, is like watching Pollyanna grab a combat assault rifle and plunge into the fray.  Which is good. 

I've said that this thing we call the Left - perhaps Marxist Communist would be appropriate at this time - is almost every day revealing itself to be more and more nakedly evil.  Now, as the rhetoric changes from 'it's a lie, nobody will ever surgically alter a minor's body' to 'it's a lie, nobody will ever alter a child's body', and we watch so many who brainlessly follow along, the line between good and evil is becoming thick and obvious. 

There will come a time when excuses are no longer acceptable.  To support the evil is to be the evil.  I just fear that those who support the evil will be prepared to do evil to defend their allegiance.  That's when it will get ugly. 

But as for this particular moral stench, it shouldn't surprise students of the Christian Faith.  After all, the hatred of the Church is rooted in the hatred of Christ.  And it isn't as if Christ didn't see it coming. 

If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you."  John 15.18


  1. It truly is satanic...why more bishops are not speaking out about it? Fear over faith! Someone needs to "slap" around the gaggle of mitres, as did

    1. I think we're seeing leaders whose on faith has been on shaky ground for years, having a hard time standing up to the juggernaut. The Left makes clear that if you get in its way it will punish. I think many leaders who faith was such that leading in a free and loosely pro-Christian culture was just fine. Now that it has turned, it's tough to reach down and be prepared to speak up. And those are the best ones. We won't talk of leaders and Catholics actively joining in.

  2. Decoy Voice had a fun video on this pointing out it's not just bad that they are angering fans, they're angering players too.

    Good on the shepherds to finally figure out the sheep are calling for leadership.

    1. While many aren't, some are, and that's hopeful. I fear some of the ones who come after us won't be part of those forces so against the Faith. It will be fellow believers who threw in the towel and joined these forces, coming after those who stood firm and are a reminder.

    2. (Whoops. The anon was me.)

      Yeah. God does seem to allow a winnowing to happen every once in awhile to see who actually loves Him of not. I think what has made it so hard for many Christians is that the Left has really weaponized its tenents against us. "You're not being loving! You're not taking care of the least of us like your God commanded!" I mean just look at how much Shea loves to weaponize the faith on any who disagree with the Left.

    3. The brilliance of the Left has been to define love as telling people whatever they want to hear, and hate as telling them what they need to hear. Of course in line with leftwing activism is another way to see it: love being defined by being liberal, hate being defined as being conservative. It puts me in mind of that jaw-dropping article by my old ethics professor Dr. Dave Gushee. I really admired him in the day, but then he wrote some strange ramble where he said history is basically the Left, composed of liberals who are the beautiful people who want good things, and the right, composed of conservatives who are really the hateful evil people who love death and baddie things. That perspective flows from the 'Left is Love, Right is Hate' template. How someone as smart as him could shovel such manure simply brings to mind my son's observation that with each passing day, it becomes easier to sympathize with the Germans of the 1930s.

  3. Homosexuals who read the Bible ought to be sobered by the fact that no man raises a hand against them. Phineas skewers a pair of fornicators and the occasional adulterer or rapist (like Amon) gets it in the neck, and there's the gang-rapists of Gabbaa of Benjamin who get their tribe annihilated, but although two kings of Judah (called "righteous") expel the "effeminate" ("Molokai", something you NEVER say to a modern Greek unless you can run really fast) from their territories, there is no physical violence offered to the "gays" or their supporters by any human being. There are warnings (in the Torah, Paul, Jude etc.), but the only action comes from God Himself, who rains down fire from Heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah, which good deal of modern evidence says was a real bolide.
    Mess with Nature, and you won't deal with God's agents: the Big Guy will deal with you Himself. It won't turn out well.

    1. My ethics professor David Gushee, who later came out in full favor of the LGBTQ movement, clearly wasn't comfortable with the topic when I was in his class in the mid-90s. But even he admitted that, at least as far as the biblical witness was concerned, homosexuality was obviously presented as the ultimate sexual deviancy from what was mandated by God. How he went from that to coming out fully supporting it, I don't know. My guess is it says something about what he believes regarding the Scriptures. Remember, I've known Protestant leaders (left of center) who chafe at the idea that the Bible is 'Holy.'

  4. I haven't checked, but I can guarantee you that "Deacon" Greydanus is doing everything he can to sidestep any discussion of the Pride issue, at least on Twitter.

    1. In fairness to Deacon Greydanus, I haven't seen anything of his even touching on it. That's in contrast to others, like Dawn Eden, Fr. Martin, Sam Rocha and of course Mark Shea. All of those either shouted full support for Pride Month and everything that goes with it, or in the case of Eden and Shea, used some form of deflection or attack against those opposed to it. In this case, I'll call silence a win for Deacon Gredaynus, since the LGBTQ movement demands nothing less than full support, whatever it says.

    2. "In fairness to Deacon Greydanus, I haven't seen anything of his even touching on it."

      That was my point. He's too spineless to weigh in on it. Which wouldn't be an issue if he weren't a deacon.

    3. I know what you're saying. I don't think he will speak to any evil of the Left at this point. But I was comparing his silence to the growing number of Catholics who are coming out of the closet and putting their full stamp of approval on all things LGBTQ, even as they move to separate parents from stopping their teens from undergoing surgical alteration of their bodies.


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