
Monday, June 19, 2023

Mark Shea and Martin Niemöller

Alrighty then:

In a nutshell, since the State is ever just, I'm sure they all had it coming. 

I was going to write up a big post about this, since I haven't bothered with Shea for some time.  But  I figured it speaks for itself.  It's worth posting if only to see a mentality we've seen too many times throughout the sad story of human history.   That's why we shouldn't be shocked when we see it again.


  1. He has a wife and four children who have to put up with him in his damaged state. Aging often isn't pleasant. No clue what his precise problem is.
    I have a dear cousin who described her life at age 64 thus: "I was married to one man for 42 years, then this stranger appeared." He didn't last much longer after that. His problem is discussed here:
    I was recently reading a newspaper op-ed by another woman describing life with her late father, a man with the same diagnosis. She said her theretofore capable father was for the last 15 years of his life a big bundle of neediness.

    1. It's hard to say really. I wouldn't hazard a guess. I just know he's gone. One problem I do see is that he is encouraged by other leftwing Catholics who should know better. Sometimes I think they lift him up in the old 'if you want to look tall, hang with short people' principle. That is, no matter how extreme left they are, or how bad they have to be to defend their allegiance as the Left becomes ever more open in its agendas and its evils, they can always point to Shea. Whatever they are doing or how they are doing it, they will come off as grounded by comparison.

    2. "One problem I do see is that he is encouraged by other leftwing Catholics who should know better."

      The left is notorious in using people in a diminished mental state even on the national scale. Biden's handlers should know better. It's called elder abuse. Fetterman is simply another body on the left that will vote yes or no depending what HIS handlers want and think of all the children with gender dysphoria who are used by their families and the medical community who lie to these children instead of helping them. Sounds like Shea in on the same track.

    3. This is true. How often have they hoisted someone up only to discard them, or attack others in the same circumstances if they don't fall in line. Again, I'm sure others than the Left are capable of such tricks. Yet once more, there Left has no accountability since the institutions that should be holding them accountable at best ignore anything of the sort. At worst, they are culpable of carrying the water for the worst the Left produces.

  2. I don't think it's old age or dementia with Shea. This is just literally what results when one constructs a bubble and completely buys into the media narrative without question or care what the truth is.

    1. A bubble within a bubble, and hoisted up by others who know better, but who benefit from keeping Shea at the point of madness. Compared to him, all but the most out there come off as reasonable by comparison.

  3. Shea is of course not too thoughtful on these matters, but he serves a useful purpose as a window into leftist thought. Unlike cleverer writers, he will just spout the party line without trying to dress it up.

    Here the party line on Trump's indictment is: So what? He's guilty and we don't need a trial to know that. If you were to ask about Hillary the response would be the same: she's obviously innocent and we don't need an investigation to prove that.

    Conservatives complain about a two-tier system of justice and expect the left to be shocked. Of course they aren't, since to the left (like the Bolsheviks before them) the "justice" system is simply a way to punish your enemies and reward your friends. To even discuss Trump's supposed crimes would be a mistake, as that really matters is that he is an enemy and thus any punishment is valid. It's like how in the Chauvin case people on the right would parse the law to see if his actions could meet the definition of "murder" (and if so, whether it was in the first degree or second degree.) The left didn't bother. He was declared a racist and therefore the charge of murder was also valid. Same reasoning in the Kyle Rittenhouse case: Gail Grosskreutz announced an intent to kill Kyle and aimed a gun at him, only after which Kyle defended himself, as the evidence clearly demonstrated. But for the left all that mattered was that Grosskreutz was an ally and Rittenhouse was an enemy, so Rittenhouse should fry and Grosskreutz should be a hero.

    Of course, just like in Soviet Russia, people who call for this sort of "justice" never realize how quickly they can be redefined as enemy and end up on the wrong end of a firing squad.

    1. Oh he already replied to that.

      Dan Conway replied to Shea's screed with: "One correction: they are typing “your next” on Facebook over and over unironically."

      To which Shea replied with this youtube clip.

    2. Dan didn't just invoke 'appeal to grammar' did he? The old 'I have no way of actually overcoming your point, but I'll find a typo and build my case from there!' trick. It was ages ago I saw a person (perhaps on CAEI?) say if someone appeals to a typo or similar trivial mistake, it's as good as saying they have zero worthwhile to say about the topic at hand. We won't even speak of Mark's response, which seems like the old 'stop freaking out about some strange camps in the German woods' appeal.

    3. Oh, that is a powerful attack of the Left. It doesn't act as if it has an opinion, theory or assumption. It declares truth. Guilt. Innocence. Because it says so. And with a sympathetic media (and educational systems) there isn't anything to call it out. That is really the big issue here. Not that the Left is the only thing to pull such tricks, but it does so with impunity, and the aid of mass media and those institutions that should keep such abuses in check.

  4. Now why did Shea mention 'sex predators' three times?

    1. When one lives in the South, one begins using terms like 'y'all.' I learned that when this little northerner lived for a half dozen years in Kentucky. When you live left of center, where sex is the god and universe of all priority, it has to have an impact. I chalk it up to the culture in which you immerse yourself ultimately influencing how you conduct yourself.


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