
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Important message from Pope Francis to Fr. James Martin

 R.P. James Martin, SJ

Querido hermano,

Muchas gracias por tu correo. Gracias por todo el bien que estás haciendo. ¡Gracias!

Rezo por vos, por favor hacélo por mi.

Les envio un cordial saludo a los miembros de la reunión en la Universidad de Fordham. Te agradezco se los haga llegar. En mi oración y buenos deseos están vos y todos los que trabajan en la Conferencia Outreach.

De nuevo, gracias, gracias por tu testimonio.

Que Jesús te bendiga y la Virgen Santa los cuide.



English translation


R.P. James Martin, SJ

Dear brother,

Thank you very much for your email. Thank you for all the good you are doing. Thank you!

I pray for you, please do so for me.

I send my best regards to the members of the meeting at Fordham University. Thank you for delivering it to them. In my prayers and good wishes are you and all who are working at the Outreach Conference.

Again, thank you, thank you for your witness.

May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin take care of you.




  1. Looks like a form letter and JM is doing a deliberately misleading spin on it. God help him!

    1. In all honesty, he provided the handwritten note. Again, that doesn't mean not a form letter, but it does suggest Pope Francis really sent him this.

    2. God help them both!

    3. To be honest, that is the appropriate response. Though as ordained leaders, they have the responsibility to not lead people astray. If the Scriptures have anything to say, it's that the Almighty takes a dim view on those charged with shepherding His people who lead people into the latest pack of wolves. No matter how much the wolves applaud when it happens.


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