
Monday, May 8, 2023

Another big part of the weekend

 Oh yeah, while we were seeing our second son get married, this also happened this weekend:

I'm rather proud of him.  Those little tassels indicate graduating with honors.  Summa Cum Laude to be precise.  He graduated from OSU.  That means 16,000 other graduates on Graduation Day.  But he was informed that the old 'calling out the honors grads' that happened when I was in school wouldn't happen.  Because of the numbers, there is no 'name by name' receiving of a diploma, so no real personal recognition (beyond the PhDs).  To tackle that, back when I graduated they would have those who graduated with different levels of honors to stand and be recognized.  Everyone would then clap, and on we go.  

But in the name of not discriminating, they would not be calling out any special accomplishments this year.  That, plus the possibility of bad weather that would have made it tough on my mom, plus just being one in sixteen thousand, caused my son to decide not to go to the ceremony after all.  Even though he had worked for years for this, he said no.  He's not going to be just a number.  Instead, we will put together a little celebration giving nods to his hard work and accomplishments once his brother and sister-in-law are back from their honeymoon.

It didn't help, BTW, that the commencement speaker was someone that OSU boasted was well known for promoting 'racial justice.'  Another reason my son gave for saying there are better ways to spend a Sunday.  He does make me proud. 


  1. Congratulations to your son: summa cum laude is an amazing achievement! And good on all of you for avoiding the cattle car drudgery of Ingsoc equity.

  2. Bravo! A well earned degree - though it sounds like while the school may have given him an education, his father gave him wisdom.

  3. You said your son was undecided on a trade, but was interested in political life. Has he ever thought about urban planning?

  4. that the commencement speaker was someone that OSU boasted was well known for promoting 'racial justice.'
    If you see any modifier in front of 'justice' other than 'substantive', 'procedural', 'criminal', or 'civil', you know the speaker's stock in trade has nothing to do with justice.

  5. Congratulations! Sorry he missed the ceremony he was looking forward to, but I think you all do celebrations much better than OSU. ;)


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