
Thursday, May 25, 2023

Always remember

Young people today are taught that when they see this:

They should think this:

My eldest son said it best, after one of his college history classes.  The age old question - how could Germans do such a thing, in reference to Nazi Germany - has finally been answered.  How could Germans do such a thing?  Easy.  They were white Europeans.  That's what white Europeans do.  He said that after such a discussion in his class.  

I consider that when I see something like this pop up:

Note there is no reason for the 'guy' to be described as white.  The joke works fine without it.  Yet it is mentioned.  Because 'white' increasingly is a euphuism for racist.  Back in the day if you gratuitously mentioned someone was black for no reason, or Jewish, or any such identifier, it was said to be evidence of your racist thinking.  Yet think how often today 'white' is mentioned, always pejoratively, and often when there is no reason to mention it. 

And while this development has been touted by white liberals for decades, it's not hard to see that a growing number non-white individuals are warming up to the trend.  Just where those white liberals fit into this and its logical ramifications I can't say.  I just know bad and dangerous trends when I see them.  That comes from studying history most of my life. 


  1. This is a big reason why they are doing their best to get children from consuming old entertainment. If you watch old shows you will see that the supposed nazi regime of past America actually was quite decent, and what's more that people of different races were often able to live together. (Obviously not always, but for much of the last century this happened.)

    Instead they can only be fed remakes which are "updated for modern sensibilities."

    One place that this is failing is music. Most people 20 and under that I run into like 80's music more than anything since then. So naturally they get curious about the culture that allowed that music to be made. Some of them have been successfully programmed with the "appropriate" response, i.e. "the 80s may look nice but remember those people routinely lynched black people and killed homosexuals!" But others actually start watching movies and TV shows from the 80s, and then the spell of modernity is broken.

    (That's not to say that the 80's were perfect, and in fact many modern problems were pretty bad there too. But the modern woke ideology requires its adherents to believe that all times before this were facist hellscapes, so just realizing that that isn't true is enough to lose people.)

    1. Yes I've seen that meme pop up all over when it comes to anything that takes place before 2000. To the point I've joked that it's a miracle America made anything back in the past what with all the time white folk were spending on the misery of others.

      It's like some strange logic that anything less than utopia must be a pure hellscape.

    2. This is so true. My sons have repeatedly said how so few of their peers in college had any real knowledge of pop culture before about 1998. A few things, like Star Wars or Pulp Fiction are remembered to varying degrees. But in a weird way, the Internet seems to have eliminated memory. Which has been a boon for the Left. And of course the 80s, like any time, had its problems. But the drumbeat is to get people to believe that until recently - and really including today (hence the 400 years of slavery - do the math) - America was a Nazi slave state. Therefore, anything connected with America, its values, its heritage, even its laws, can be on the chopping block. After all, we denazified Germany. We can do the same with America, beginning with anything and everything.

  2. This went viral not long ago.

    The more.... interesting part is seeing the idea and discussion popping up here and there about whether Jews are a minority or if they are a subset of white. Some are starting to realize that whipped up mobs and angry crowds are not that discerning. Maybe things will turn around in time, but I'm not sure.

    1. I watched that yesterday when you posted this. Wow. I wasn't sure which was worse, that this fellow is calling out the naked anti-white racism in our country, or that I was shocked that he was calling out the naked anti-whites racism.

      Yes, I've noticed the issue with whites and Jews too. One of my first posts over at Patheos was that editorial (New Yorker I believe) that had to be apologized for because it said had the Nazis taken out the Jews over their whiteness instead of the whole Jew thing, it would have had a firmer moral grounding (it being the Holocaust). I'm therefore stunned that so many Jewish activists and pundits are joining in with the 'it's OK, as long as you target those non-Jewish white types), given their recent experience with that thinking.

  3. (Tom New Poster)
    I just got back from volunteer yard duty at my old Catholic grammar school, just south of San Francisco. The kids were gr. 1-4, mostly Asian, white, and mixed race, but also some black and Hispanic. Everybody played together, without any racial divides. I supervised gr. 5-8 the previous day: same thing. I doubt these kids will easily fall victim to the hatred expressed in that TikTok compilation. Even twenty years ago, when I taught high school in the area, the number of interracial kids (and interracial prom dates) was already beyond count. If families don't just watch movies like the first picture, but EXPERIENCE community events like that, the race-mongers will lose. Don't lose heart.

    1. I really appreciate your words, Tom. I remember growing up around the 90s and thinking to myself, "I might live to see the end of racism." (Oh sure there would always be a few cranks out there, but as a societal goal and standard?) A time when all men would be judged as the men they were, not the color they happened to be.

      It's broken my heart to see racism flare back to life with so many grifters fighting hard to keep it alive. You have no idea how much I pray for those youngsters to realize a lost dream.

    2. On the street I think most people don't by the insanity. Problem is, that's often the case. All it takes is a vocal minority with a megaphone (press) to seize the initiative. Hence those on the Left are going through libraries of books, movies, television shows and anything in order to erase, ban and censor. But the minute someone says a book showing middle schoolers the best way to have group sex shouldn't be in a school library, the press rushes forth as if Joe McCarthy has been raised from the dead. When you're against that, the common sense and common good experience of most people will be drowned out by the hypocrisy and the subterfuge of the minority.

    3. frank@txtradcatholicMay 28, 2023 at 10:55 AM

      I’m another interested observer of history, and all the comments here make good points. It’s impossible to predict how this will end. Nevertheless, the last twenty years or so have answered for me the question of why the German people in the 1930’s allowed Hitler to happen: it was made too dangerous not to go along for those who in their hearts knew the Nazis were monsters. We are perilously close to that point right now, in my view. People are inclined to be sheep until their basic comforts are taken away, by which time it’s too late to rebel.

    4. Frank, you are absolutely correct. My son has said the same, that with each day it becomes easier to sympathize with Germans in the 1930s. I mean, think on it. We went from 'there are no boys and girls' to 'well help them change, but won't do it to minors' to now, 'of course we'll do it to minors but not children'. That's fast moving, and while the majority of Americans oppose this, it's happening because the minority power players are pushing it. And as you said, many will do nothing because they're afraid of losing their increasingly crumbling society. I fear when they begin losing it all, it will be too late.


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