
Thursday, April 13, 2023

We fell for it

We heirs of the Christian West fell for the modern progressive notion that any condemnation, or even criticism, of an 'other' is tantamount to Nazism.  No matter what Muslims do, we can't criticize.  No matter what blacks do.  Gays do.  Chinese do.  Mongols do.  Aztecs do.  Women do.  Transgenders do.  If anyone not in those groups were to criticize anything about those groups - Nazi.  Heck, sometimes if anyone in those and similar groups criticize those groups they get smacked down.  We might be able to condemn an action but never, ever the actor.  

Therefore the only real way to express any notion of trying to fix a world we're supposed to save was through this strange demographic masochism that has defined our modern age.  Condemn others in our own demographic group, if not our entire demographic group.  

So men, spew hatred and vitriol on all men throughout all time as the misogynist rapists that they are.  Whites, it's the white race that alone is a racist pox on humanity.  Heterosexuals, just admit how superior those in the LGBTQ community are to us boorish birthing people.  Americans?  Let's not even start with any other country's evils but the United Sates.  Europeans, is there any other civilization as vile as ours?  I think not.  And on and on.

It was easy.  It gave a little dose of the pharisee's prayer (for behind any such condemnation always seems to lurk that subtle 'thank you Lord, that you didn't make me like all the other sinners in my demographic).  Plus, as often as not, much of the condemnation was based on lies, stupidity and all out BS.  So after 9/11, you could beat up on evil Christians as the real source of death and terror in the world, safe in the unspoken knowledge that you weren't likely to be beheaded for your efforts. 

Eventually it became so engrained that even those supposedly not buying into this, bought into it. Liberals ate it up, but non-liberals fell into line just the same.  Conservatives would preface any statement with variations on 'I'm not like those other uncompassionate  conservatives.'  Or white conservatives would begin by conceding the racism of most [not me] whites in our racist country.  Or men would bow before feminists and concede that history has been a giant sexist conspiracy against women, but I'm feeling much better now. 

It was a piece of cake.  Far easier than saying the black community is off the rails and doesn't seem to care enough to fix it as long as they can blame white people.  That women putting themselves above anything else, including family or human life, is selfish and wrong.  That there is probably a reason why a vast number of AIDS deaths in America are men who have sex with men.  That the Islamic world may not have given up on its age old desire to subjugate Europe to the Muslim way.  Nope.  Say any of those things and you might actually get push back. They might say mean things to you.  Heck, it could get worse than that. 

That's why it was so easy, so cheap, so safe.  We could pat ourselves on the back, revel in our righteousness and bravery, knowing that we had virtually nothing to lose.  This was especially true if we aimed our holy wrath at those in our demographics who were long dead and unable to defend themselves.  Bravo I tell you. 

So on we went, building our righteousness on the capstone of demographic self hate.  So now, as the best of the transgender community sanctified the Nashville school shooter as a bona fide victim, others made the murderer the only real victim, and not a few even mocked and celebrated the deaths of the victims including the children, us not-trans people shuffled our feet and looked the other way.

Not the Catholic bishops, not most Protestant faith leaders, few Republicans, only a handful of conservative pundits, and virtually nobody else called out the trans community, called out the horrific evil of the worst of the trans community's vitriol, or chastised the whole of the trans community for trying to equate the murderer to the murder victims. Imagine if, after the Buffalo market shooting, someone came forth and pointed out that middle aged white men are now a big suicide demographic, and even subtly suggested there might be a connection to that, our modern approach to race, and the shooting.  Imagine how fast such a person would be skinned.  But the trans movement did just that - and experienced cricket chirps for its troubles. 

For those who have said anything at all other than Guns!, it's been like my old classmate Russell Moore.  A man who has basked in the limelight given him for throwing under the bus evangelicals, men, whites, and Americans as the sexist, racist, white supremacist extremists that they are.  As it is?  It's a vague and generic 'Why can't we all get along?  Why is there so much hate?'  No real zeroing in on the obvious this time. 

But in fairness, at least he has said something.  Many have left it at Guns! or simply dropped it like the hot potato it is.  There is no way we can condemn an 'other'.  At least if the other is not white, male, heterosexual, Christian, American, European or conservative.  Those not in one of these groups can always condemn everyone in these groups, as we're seeing now.  And as we watch nobody do anything about it, we realize we are now along the next step in the path.  We're dealing with traditional Christians murdered, with few actually caring enough to state the obvious - including 'traditional' Christians.  So if you thought if it came to murder then boy that would change everything, once again you were wrong. 

We lost the war for the just the and good because we raised a generation devoid of character, convictions and courage.  They chose the easy way of beating up on little old blue haired ladies among our ancestors to avoid standing up to the threats and evils of our lifetime. We accepted that the slavery of the first civilization to abolish slavery is the only slavery worth condemning.  That's why we can see emerging a movement as bad as the Hitler Youth, that defends slaughter, promotes harm, and rejoices in its superiority with no fear of being stopped.  All we can do is count the losses of this dodge, knowing it will be our posterity who has to cash in the chips. 


  1. What did C.S. Lewis call without chests?
    People who will not honor their basic commitments to the fundamental building block of society: their families, cannot be trusted to honor their commitments anywhere. And that has proven true over and over again.

    1. I call it the emasculated male. Men in the 20th century welcomed the sexual revolution and the exploitation of women as mere sex objects. Gradually, women began to use that station for more power for themselves, the men expected to step back and shut up or else. And it worked. Just the fact that men accepted allowing women to determine whether or not a child would be born, and then demand men pay for the decision. Wow. Talk about a new species of invertebrate.

  2. A modest minority of professional-managerial types and their dependents and hangers on fell for this, not ordinary people. Ordinary people have just preferred to walk away than to argue.

    1. Not Julian AssangeApril 14, 2023 at 1:24 AM

      This guy. Always with the pedanticism.

    2. Perhaps, but it's scant little comfort that most Christians are dealing with it by not dealing with it. What's that old saying about good men doing nothing?

  3. Not Julian AssangeApril 14, 2023 at 1:29 AM

    The most spineless Christians in America have moved on from the Nashville shooting. Now they're busy defending the two politicians who were ejected from the Tennessee House for less than a week.

    Racism! Martin Luther King! Something like that.

    1. I think the takeaway is that few Christians and virtually no Christian leaders dared go to the obvious place in the shooting, unlike other shootings where they're ready on a dime to comment on the media narrative (Buffalo market shooting, Orlando shooting, New Zealand mosque shooting). In this case the Left didn't even have to snarl. Christians were more than happy to turn a blind eye and walk away, even if it was six brothers and sisters in Christ, and three children to boot, who were murdered for the faith.


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