
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Unmistakble evil

By now if you're not willing to at least call the transgender movement out as a movement of evil, I'm not sure what will do it:

Dancing on the graves of murdered children.  What will it take?  Charlie Chaplain mustaches?  Swastikas?  My son believes that there are forces trying to provoke traditional and conservative Americans into rising up in arms so they can officially be crushed.  The problem is that we just don't seem to care enough to use harsh language, let alone anything else.  


  1. (Tom New Poster)
    I understand your son's point, but I think is concedes too much intelligence to these sybarites. Orwell cautioned that stupidity often explains a lot more than intrigue. The modern Left is chiefly about unbridled lust, and power as a means to keep it unbridled. Such a view can't sustain a long-term plot. A time may come when we have to go Cristero, but much of the country is still not in their hands.
    Case in point: California's governor, Hair Newsom, implemented a boycott of state-sponsored travel to states without LBTQ-whatever protections. Unfortunately, so many states now have anti-tranny rules that it's keeping CA officials from traveling on necessary business and CA public college teams from out-of-state games. So they've stopped the boycott, in favor of an "education" campaign.

    1. I don't think it's all going to be easy sailing. But stupidity is a necessary ingredient for tyranny. Especially when you're trying to establish tyranny in a free society. After all, it takes a tremendous amount of stupidity to help it happen, with the assumption it will only be those other not-me types who will lose the freedoms. Yet that's what we're seeing. I'll concede that stupidity ranks high on the causes list, but I don't think that makes it less intentional.

  2. I've often told my family that they, as your son say are provoking us into rebellion only so they can invoke marshal law and then watch what happens when the boom falls. We think they are infringing on our rights now? Just hold on for we are in for a ride if marshal law is enacted. Your son has good insight.

    1. I think so. Like Tom above says, some of it is just stupidity. We've been made into an age of stupid. That is crucial. But those behind the movements are not stupid, and this isn't happening by accident.

  3. will it take? Charlie Chaplain mustaches? Swastikas? My son believes that there are forces trying to provoke traditional and conservative Americans into rising up in arms so they can officially be crushed.

    That's LITERALLY the goal. It's called "strategic provocation" or "mid level violence." Seriously take 12 min and watch this video.

    1. (Heck just read the description of the video...)

      A key tactic in the Woke Marxist activism toolbox is an unconventional warfare technique known as "mid-level violence," or, in other words, strategic provocation. In this strategy, agitators will engage in behavior that, if accepted, moves one of their mass-line agendas along or that, if resisted, provokes a reaction that can be framed as an unjust overreaction ("wound collecting" or "crybullying"). They are masters at this. In fact, it's Antifa's bread-and-butter tactic, and its goal is always to put its target into a dilemma of giving in and demoralizing ( themselves or reacting and thus being portrayed as having overreacted

    2. I think the description more than works. And it's already done. This has shown nothing will rally the resistance. We will lick our wounds - the best of us - and then do nothing. Virtually nobody has. The Left as good as said the victims aren't important and the shooter is, so shut up. And like Mugsy, we obliged.


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