
Saturday, April 1, 2023

If you have to act this stupid to defend your agenda

Then your agenda might be indefensible.  So NBC asks the big question:  Why are people bothered by kids at sexed up drag queen shows?  Milton Berle wore a dress! Right. Have fun with that one. 

The older I get the more ridiculous the arguments for post-war liberalism appear.  From '70% of new HIV cases are men who have sex with men - it must be homophobic bigotry!', to 'how can a black man who hates white people and kills white people be racism?', to 'what does the sex and drugs revolution have to do with AIDS?' to 'how can you say a Muslim killing people in the name of Islam is about religion?', the list is endless when it comes to having to believe a suffocating level of stupidity that appears to be the essence of aligning with the left. 

It's as if those on the left know how wrong they are, and hope by constant screaming outrage and vitriol that nobody will notice the idiocy. 


  1. I believe the media, government officials and people who should know better are fully aware of the stupid things they are saying but they do anyway because they know liberals won't argue against them for fear of appearing unwoke the fear of being left out of their world of wokism. Those stupid things are said for the benefit of us traditionalists, conservatives and the like just to stir the pot for us to rebel. This is what they want. They just want ONE excuse for the government to come crashing down on us. Just one. But if they didn't think this through they will be in for a rude awakening with over 300 millions guns in the hands of the common citizens.

    1. Oh, I said years ago that those on the left know they will not be called out. Just consider Biden. Consider some of the things he has said. If that were anyone on the right, the press would have pounced. He would never have been nominated, much less elected. But he's a democrat, a liberal, and now president.

  2. We need to launch a Blackface Story Hour.

    1. You almost want to say you understand why we shouldn't do that. But since it seems less and less about not doing such things but rather exploit rage against such things, it does make you wonder.

  3. The arguments of the left become easier to understand once you realize a few things. First, the process by which they are made:

    1.) Identify friend/foe or approved/unapproved content in this specific case.
    2.) Find something arbitrary which separates the two in the specific case.
    3.) Declare that the arbitrary difference is the actual standard which makes one good and the other bad. Don't worry about the fact that you've never referred to this supposed standard before and probably will refer to conflicting "standards" in the future.
    4.) Declare the matter settled, you are right and anyone who disagrees is an idiot or evil.
    5.) Mock or punish those who persist in disagreeing.

    The second thing to understand is that the arguments are not understood as arguments per se on the left, but as loyalty oaths. You say that you are a good person by agreeing with them, but it doesn't matter what the actual content of the argument is. The only reason that they dress it up with pseudo-logic at all is that they have some vague awareness that the right and the center actually try to reason things out, and so they must maintain a polite fiction that they too are using logic. But of course they are not, they know that they are not, and they don't particularly care if you also figure out that they are not.

    1. I think you say it well. I think they must say 'we thought we had it when we said we will too start mutilating the bodies of adolescents!', but here we are. I think they miscalculated how effective their campaign for apathy and nihilism has been.


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