
Monday, March 20, 2023

JK Rowling discovers 21st Century liberal "Tolerance"

I've often said that modern leftwing tolerance is a lot like Kosher ham.  I've seldom seen anything as self-righteously intolerant, close minded and judgmental as the modern Left.  And it covers this by projecting itself onto anyone who dissents.  If they say children should be surgically altered without parents' consent and you disagree, it's because you're the hater, you're the intolerant one, the judgmental one, the close minded one.  The threat. 

Today,  that is based on whatever the Left wakes up and decides is truth for the day.  If it says sex with teddy bears tomorrow, or that C-A-T spells 'Dog', then you had best fully support the new truth.  Oh, and you can't just invoke dead liberalism's 'live and let live' principle either.  You must 100% speak full support for the Left's latest dogmas or, well, see JK Rowling

Once a darling of the media and the Left, she's fallen on hard times.  So much so that this woman, comfy behind her billion dollar bank account, is beginning to crack.  Recently she was interviewed by the NYT and tried to patch things up by saying it's been a big misunderstanding.  For a woman known for her pit bull tenacity and willingness to give as good as she gets, that's quite a change. That's because the latest Harry Potter foray, a video game, is under brutal attack. Attempts to ban it are running rampant, and enough bad press is being generated against the Potter brand that some are wondering if it could impact sales.

Funny thing about being a billionaire.  You have to keep being one.  And with the realization that her once groupie press/state/academy is eerily silent while those who Mark Shea once correctly called 'Gay Brownshirts' make strides in destroying her product, her brand, her name, and her life, you can see her starting to sweat.

And this is JK Rowling.  Once a hero of the Global Left, owing to her feminism, LGTBQ advocacy, liberal values and clear post-Christian leftwing views.  The most successful author of all time.  A billionaire power player.  But she has fallen from the purer faith.  She has forgotten that to remain in the Left's good graces, you must be 100%, not 99.99%,obeient.  Anything else and, well, see JK Rowling.  That's JK Rowling, billionaire power player celebrity.  Imagine what they can do to you


  1. There is not much the opposition can personally do to you when you're already on the low end of the food chain of society. I cannot imagine how much time, energy and money she must spend to maintain her place in high society. The bane of the wealthy and powerful. If she lost half her wealth her life doesn't change at all. If I lose half my wealth I would have to depend on my neighbors to live.

    1. Except the powers that be can decide to put you jail or harass you endlessly into financial oblivion like the people still languishing in DC jails for J6 and that baker in Colorado who is the recipient of never ending lawsuits.

    2. Oops, the above was me.

    3. Yep. That's what I think. This is her, a major billionaire power player and look what's happening. Imagine if that was me?

  2. Oh I've been following this story a lot for weeks now.

    So there's this whole thing call "VTubers" - basically think of people adopting animated avatars that they operate like puppets to interact with an audience. A popular activity for them is to play video games.

    Exhibit A: Silvervale is one who really was a big Harry Potter fan. Here she is getting her wand in the game.

    Exhibit B: Her being driven to tears by all the people lashing out at her for playing the game.

    There was an outbreak of this among vtubers as many were playing the game - and the "tolerant" left community all began attacking them. This has been sparking conflicts now between the trans community and the fans of vtubers and... well let's just say neither group are known for being well adjusted or having much in the way of people skills.

    What makes this all so much more ironic is that JK Rowling is a true-blue leftists. As some have pointed out, all her wealth and she keeps her residence in the UK because she wants to pay taxes into the system because she believes in it. She has never even said anything THAT against trans people - even affirmed their rights and stuff - all she has done is voiced the most minor disagreement that there should be some places for women - pure women - and that's gotten her labeled the TERF-master-general.

    I can't find it now (I think it was a James Lindsay talk) but someone one said that however scared you think you might be, those on the left are absolute TERRIFIED now of deviating from the herd and getting labeled right-wing and fascist.

    At this point I just sit back and laugh because I warned them. We ALL warned them that this would happen. This is the life you choose! This is what you all deserve!

    1. The Silvervale thing pales in comparison to what happened with Pikamee. Pikamee never even PLAYED the game, she only expressed interest in doing so, and still was bullied out of vtubing. (And given that she had long been described as the nicest VTuber, her fans were not at all pleased.)

      The alphabet people realized their misstep here and tried to claim that Pikamee had always been planning to leave vtubing and the fact that this happened immediately after they had a strong bullying campaign against her was just a major coincidence. Which, even if true, ignores three things:

      -They had a huge bullying campaign against here. Few of them even attempt to deny this (outside some that say "it was all right wing double agents!")
      -At the very least, the bullying campaign successfully stopped Pikamee from playing a game that she was interested in due to backlash.
      -The people denying responsibility for her leaving usually celebrated upon her announcement.

      So their defense is "sure we might have bullied her, with the intent to get her to stop streaming, and she did stop streaming, and we were glad that she stopped streaming, but MAYBE we didn't actually cause her to stop streaming so we're blameless!"

      It's ridiculous enough that even a lot of left wing spaces have people saying "I've had about enough of the transgender movement."

    2. On the whole, though I've noticed an exception. Those 'former/current conservatives' who are willing to throw traditional conservatives under the bus are given quite a lot of latitude. Mostly on the Left it's 100% of watch your tail. But someone like Russ Moore can continue to live within a fairly traditional Evangelical setting, and even not conform 100% to the Left's latest dogmas. The pay off? He makes sure to accept the Left's portrayal of conservatives and traditional Christians as the sexists and racists that the Left has always said. An ideological dispensation you might say.

    3. Pickamee! Thank you, Rudolph. I was trying to think of her name and kept thinking of Pippa which I knew was wrong. But yeah, I intended to bring her up and couldn't remember who to source so thanks for adding that in and covering me, bro. *fist bump*

    4. Pippa was the one who started playing Hogwarts Legacy after these debacles because, and I quote, "I hate this franchise but I hate people on twitter more."

    5. OH yeah, I know very well who Pippa is, which is how I know she wasn't the one I was trying to remember. ;) But you know how it can be when your brain gets old and gets "stuck" in a rut when trying to remember something.

  3. I don't think declining to establish a notional residency in Monaco marks one as a leftist. (I think she grew up in the West Country and lives in Scotland). Capsule descriptions of her political involvements suggest she's a bourgeois Labour Party voter who is not particularly contentious about it (and less hostile to Jews than is the norm among the British chatterati).

    I cannot imagine how much time, energy and money she must spend to maintain her place in high society.
    Indubitably, she gets unsolicited letters and appeals all the time and requires a staff to sort through the mail generally and draw up a schedule for her. I don't think there's any insuperable impediment to her pulling a JD Salinger, but that's just not her.

    1. I don't think declining to establish a notional residency in Monaco marks one as a leftist.

      Art, did you even TRY looking it up or just make assumptions as usual? Its her own words:

      "A second reason, however, was that I am indebted to the British welfare state; the very one that Mr Cameron would like to replace with charity handouts. When my life hit rock bottom, that safety net, threadbare though it had become under John Major’s Government, was there to break the fall. I cannot help feeling, therefore, that it would have been contemptible to scarper for the West Indies at the first sniff of a seven-figure royalty cheque.” -Source

    2. (Tom New Poster)
      Note that the Potter school of Hogwarts is structured like an old-style British "public school", not a state school. I think that also says "middle class". Just like over here, many Brits don't make a religion about their politics.

  4. The "Harry Potter" books aren't "post-Christian." Granted, Rowling is a leftist, and leftism is explicitly anti-Christian insofar as it promotes abortion and troonery. But how can Rowling be an LGBTQ activist when she's clearly angered the trans lobby? Sure, she shoulders some of the blame for cultivating an overly sensitive readership, one which failed to internalize her books' anti-totalitarian message and threw her under the bus the second she stepped out of line. But this idea that she's another dumb leftist who's finally reaping what she's sown is asinine.

    1. Actually the Left by definition is post-Christian. A fundamental tenant of the Left is that religions are all false, having been debunked by science and scholarship. As for Rowling and LGBTQ? She clearly had openly expressed her support for the entire LGBTQ movement. Her problem was that she failed to conform 100% to whatever was said by this movement. And I never said she was dumb. Quite the contrary. She was very clever and understood the mentality of her diverse fanbase as well as anyone. But this time she failed to reconcile just how radical and fanatical the progressive side of her fanbase had become.

  5. Art, did you even TRY looking it up or just make assumptions as usual? Its her own words:

    I'm not sure what you fancy " Capsule descriptions of her political involvements suggest she's a bourgeois Labour Party voter who is not particularly contentious about it (and less hostile to Jews than is the norm among the British chatterati). " actually means.

    1. Ah first the nonsensical claim, then the word games to defend yourself.

      "When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

      ’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

      ’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.
      -Lewis Carroll

      Such a master of postmodernism you are, Art. You really missed your calling as a college professor.

  6. Imagine what they could do to me?

    Well, short of an armed mob assault, nothing much. Retirement has its advantages. Their insults amuse me. I often suggest kindly that they go fellate a cactus.

    1. You are fortunate if you are retired. Those in the workplace are facing increasing pressure to conform or here's your pink slip. Or at least conform or don't expect to go anywhere any time soon.

    2. I'm waiting for the day social security checks are withheld unless your loyalties align with the left and don't tell me it couldn't happen. I look around and have seen what has happened to our civilization in just the last 10 years.Everything is on the table with this lot.

    3. No sane person can say that could never happen. Not by now. In less than a year we went from 'it's a vicious transphobic lie! Nobody is performing sex change procedures on minors', to 'it's great that more hospitals are performing gender changing procedures and surgeries on minors, but we'll never do it without parents' consent', to now it's clear we'll start the process on the youngest children possible, and we'll be damned if we'll let parents stand in the way. In less than a year. That's the power they now wield, and only a sawdust for brains would think it will stop at altering the bodies of children.


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