
Friday, March 3, 2023

Being a parent nowadays requires creative thinking


I loved that.  One point for the parents!

BTW, isn't it odd that the whole 'youth rebellion' - promoted by society and even given back handed support by church leaders - was basically a repudiation of the Fourth Commandment?  You know, the first commandment with a promise.  Well we didn't follow it.  And how did that promise turn out? 



    1. That makes me think of a NYT article I saw late last year. It said fewer parents than ever spank their kids today. It also said that youth violence is at all time highs. But it cautioned us not to think the two are connected, spanking still leads to violent kids.

  2. I feel like this video doesn’t speak for much of our current American culture. Guys don’t pursue girls that much and a lot of dads just go right along with whatever their daughter/wife (if they’re still married) decides to do, regardless of how they feel about the situation. Call me cynical I guess, lol

    1. I would say it doesn't speak to the official social narrative. Of course many men do this today because it's demanded. But I think some fathers are quite good at watching over their daughters, even if it's considered against the common wisdom of our brilliant age.


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