
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

A major difference between Deacon Steven Greydanus and me

He sees the Pew Research study that finds Evangelicals have the highest disapproval rating among Americans today and appears to think Evangelicals are doing something wrong.  I look at America today, look at the same Pew Research study, and think Evangelicals are doing something right. 

I'm especially bothered that Catholics are held in the same high esteem as are mainline Protestant denominations.  Especially since I know what so many of those denominations no longer believe and what they now believe.  Which may account for their high esteem in our modern secularized pagan society.   

BTW, I understand that the approval rating is also due to the media culture's villainizing of Evangelicals.  In addition to that, you have the emerging Evangelical court prophets sucking up to the media by continually throwing their fellow Evangelicals under the bus.  

As a former Evangelical pastor, I used to joke that I was thankful for the Catholic Church.  After all, it was the one Christian tradition our pop culture hated more than Christians in general.  Since Pope Francis, however, that has changed.  If anyone has noticed.  Even the latest priest abuse story gets no more than a sideline mention.  It's largely look the other way or sing the praises of Pope Francis as far as the media establishment is concerned.  Again, given the core values and beliefs of our modern era, I'm not sure I would wear that fact as a badge of honor. 

"And Democrats have wasted no time getting their top priorities to the governor's desk. Within the first two months of the many-months long legislative session, Democrats passed their centerpiece tax plan, a bill to repeal the state's defunct 1931 abortion ban and legislation to create civil rights protections for LGBTQ people."


  1. Once again, if you find yourself on the side of the "world" more often than not, why does that not cause you to pause and evaluate why that is?

    As a side commentary, I've noticed with converts who have gone leftist, there seems to have been a propensity to extremes already. And if they reject something, they seem to feel the need to take the opposite viewpoint and accept it and defend it as true even to the point of denigrating their previous professed belief. I'm sure social media platforms haven't helped their situations as they all apparently feel the need to express every thought and opinion that occurs to them. Also, they sort of need to brand themselves and then keep up appearances of that branding. It becomes a miserable worldly cycle then. IMO anyway

    1. Yep. I notice he doesn't come out and say it. Yet you can't miss that he's suggesting there is a problem with being seen badly by our modern nation. It's probably not good any time the forces of the world think well of the Church. Given the horrific state of our nation today, I'd think being disliked would be a badge of honor.

    2. It is definitely a badge of honor. The apostles praised and thanked God when they had to suffer for their faith. Christ came to bring division, a sword, not peace. If we are followers of Christ we cannot accept a sacramental marriage other than between a man and woman(biological, abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, homosexuality, transgenderism and the like. Nor can we support bishops who espoused these ideas, ideas that are contrary to the Church's teachings. These are all things supported and praised by the world. Today the Church needs courage and strength to ride out this demonic storm that assails us to no end.

    3. I’ve noticed the ones who went Leftist all seem to live on the coasts. I guess if you want to stay sane, stay off the coasts and out of the cities. Those places seem to mess with your head!

  2. I often call Greydanus the Catholic David French, so I guess it was only a matter of time before he decided to muscle in on French's self-hating evangelical routine. We all know that Greydanus craves the left's approval, so none of this is surprising. But it's still comical. Either way, where does he get off chastising evangelicals for their public behavior? The fact that Mark Shea behaves like an absolute boor in public doesn't stop Greydanus from being his sin eater.

    No, I suspect that Greydanus' disdain for evangelicals stems from the fact that evangelicals are the Trumpiest Christian denomination in America. And in Greydanus' mind, all roads lead back to Trump. Never mind the fact that our current president is pushing abortion and fomenting hot wars with China and Russia. Who cares about any of that? Give Biden his ashes and keep obsessing over Trump!

    1. Anyway, I was tempted to look up Greydanus' response to the shooting in Nashville, but I didn't. And I'm glad I didn't. I'm sure it was some garbage about the dangers of widespread gun ownership. I'm confident he didn't say anything about the level of contempt the trans lobby holds for Christianity. After all, this is the guy who's criticized recent attempts to purge transgenderism from public schools.

    2. To be honest, if he makes it only about guns, that will put him in the more honorable section of those avoiding the obvious. Even now, we see some more radical outlets making the shooter the victim, or suggesting the shooter's parents and even church in general are the bad guys. It's amazing how things are disintegrating today. Years ago it was shocking when some began their 'shut up about your useless God and useless prayers' mantra. Now we have people making it clear you will only be the villain when you kill people if you are part of the wrong group attacking the groups that matter. If someone from one of those groups does the killing against the wrong group, we'll make sure we know it's because those people in the wrong group exist. As I say, things are going down fast.

    3. I checked, you don't want to go there. I couldn't believe it really. And yet it's all too common. All too real.

    4. I hope we get a blog post about it!

  3. Hey, now--Jesus did promise that the world would love us, right?

    /sarc off

    While the Lord's reminder about our lack of popularity should never be taken as a blessing of jerkery, I would take signs of public approval with caution.

    And I sure wouldn't such to beat up on another group of Christians. But as we now know, ecumenism has previously-unknown limits in this decade of mercy, accompaniment and dialogue.


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