
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

47% of whites surveyed disagree or are not sure that it's OK to be black

Imagine that.  If that were an actual poll with those results, we'd be hearing screams of racism from coast to coast.  The outrage would be beyond the coasts actually.  From the UN to the Vatican, outrage would be the song of the day.  And rightly so.  Imagine saying you don't know if it's OK to be of a particular skin color.  

Yet that's exactly the results of a poll that asked if it's OK to be white.  Just the question itself shows the deep delve of racism in our country.  That the Anti-Defamation league has denounced the statement 'it's OK to be white' as hate speech shows there's never forgetting the lessons of history, and then there's forgetting the lessons of history we're not supposed to forget.  

But in the poll - take polls for what they're worth - 47% of blacks questioned said it is not OK to be white, or they weren't sure if it is OK to be white.  For my money, if you're not sure if it's OK to have a certain color then, yes Virginia, you're a racist. 

Yet when once celebrated Dilbert creator Scott Adams reacted to this by labeling those blacks who have issue with the existence of white people as a hate group, and furthermore stating that moving away from blacks who don't think it's OK to have your skin color is the logical thing to do, papers across the nation dropped his comic strip like a hot potato.  No mention that almost half of blacks surveyed weren't sure if it's OK to be white.  Apparently the Anti-Defamation league thinks there's a problem with being white, so it must be fine*.  

The only problem mentioned is that Scott Adams pointed out the logical response of logical people who find out their existence is not approved of.  I'm not saying Adams was smart for what he said or how he said it.  After all, we live in the 21st Century, a cool generation or so after we ceased being a free country according to liberal definitions (in case you missed the memo).  And it might not have been the best way to react to this racist finding.  After all, his was simply a 'then it's us vs. you buster' response.  That is, of course, the goal here.  Divide and conquer.  That's how you get a free country to give it up: Make it about us vs. them, with the assurance it will only be them who loses all the nifty freedoms, prosperity and blessings. 

Nonetheless, the fact that almost all outlets glossed over and ignored the donkey in the living room about blacks increasingly disliking the existence of whites is more than telling. Like so many things liberalism once condemned, race hate and discrimination against the wrong ethnicity are now all the rage.  Add that to free speech, judgementalism, religious tolerance, respecting other opinions, equality and group identity, in case you're keeping track.  

Bonus observation:  One of my sons has said that with each passing day, it becomes easier to sympathize with the German people in the 1930s.  After all, look at what people are willing to accept, and how few are prepared to speak out. 

*Note the trend.  Remember when the Left declared the statement 'All Lives Matter' to be racist motivated?  See how that works?  Now we're told that saying 'It's OK to be White' is a racist chant.  You do know there will be more such declarations over the next few years, don't you?  Examples of just which people groups are not to be called OK.  Again, great job Anti-Defamation league for becoming everything you say you're against. 


    Are Jews white? It’s a question that has dominated conversations since the Black Lives Matters protests of 2020. Jews often present as white, and hold economic privilege, yet the recent uptick of antisemitic incidents, whether Kanye West’s months-long outburst or attacks on Hasidic Jews on Brooklyn streets, shows that it’s not quite so simple.

    Yeah.... that's kind of the problem with racism isn't it? It doesn't allow for any nuance or gradations does it?

    I remember growing up I really thought I was going to live to see the end of racism. Oh sure there would be the odd knucklehead here and there but as a whole, society and most of us were really going to move on from all that.

    I have no words for how angry I am to see that dream die.

    1. That's the model today: everything is Group A v. Group B. The group identities being flexible. But it must be simple, never nuanced. I recall an article back in the day that looked at the broader stats - not just the ones selected out of context by the MSM - and found that in many years at that point, more whites are killed by blacks than the other way around. Likewise, most interracial violence at that point at least was between Hispanic and Black Americans. In the same way, I know a couple cases of attacks on Jews in our neck of the woods were perpetrated by African and Middle Eastern immigrants, not white Nazis. But the Left/MSM would have us never see anything but Group A (the saints and heroes) vs. Group B (Hitler's Group) and nothing more. Complexity and nuance being almost anathema.

      One of my sons pointed out that today there seems to be a heavy reliance on, and preference for, ignorance rather than education. And that includes from our educational institutions. I think he's right.

  2. IMO, the objection to 'It's OK to be White' on campus is to the notion that one's value is not conferred by the school administration or by blacks. It is something one possesses by being a live human being.

    1. I don't think looking at people as human beings is a thing anymore. I think it's seeing people groups and group labels.

  3. The fact that Scott Adams was dropped so quickly and so universally means that the knives were already out, and they were just looking for an excuse to use them. Most likely the plans were made due to Adams's discussions of COVID (though he still infamously says that skeptics of the jab did not make rational decisions, even though he now admits that the jabs do not perform well and have side effects.) There have been many times in the past when Scott Adams said similarly innocuous but still (in this clown world) bannable offenses about race, and yet nothing happened.

    That being said those banning him DO think that there is a problem with being white, or even recognizing that many blacks have a problem with white people. I'm just pointing out that their bans are never purely on principle, even when it comes to their demonic anti-white racist principles. They always come as the result of some behind the scenes plans.

    1. It's a bit like a shark feeding frenzy. Back in the day, Dilbert was one of the hip comics that everyone referenced. I haven't followed comics much and quite frankly haven't heard about any comics in recent years. But the New Yorker just published a piece saying other comic strip creators say this was a long time coming, that Adams has long deserved what he is getting. I don't know why, but like anything today, it has to be about wrong think and things they now look at through a new prism and condemn. We are, after all, the least tolerant and most judgmental society I've ever seen, so this sort of thing is becoming all too common.

  4. Brigid O'Brien, enrolled at a school founded by the Vincentian Order, fancies it's not OK to be a conventional Catholic

    1. It wouldn't surprise me. I find that many Catholics today are less Catholic than the Moody Bible Institute.


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