
Saturday, February 18, 2023

This was an actual show when I was young

Which explains a lot.  I don't know why this showed up on one of my Facebook pages.  I did watch it some, tripped out though it was.  Even as a kid I got the strange feeling that there was some hidden meaning behind parts of the writing.  

They filmed some of the intro in Cincinnati, though it wasn't Kings Island.  Kings Island didn't open until 1972 (the Brady Bunch actually filmed a special episode around its opening).  Nonetheless, as a kid who must have seen it in reruns, I assumed King Island, which was a connection in my mind. 

It had different side-segments throughout each episode.  One was the Arabian Nights, and another show featuring who I later learned was Jan Michael Vincent.  I also remember some crude live action/animation skit around Tom Sawyer and the gang. I recall the late Ted Cassidy was Injun Joe, though in cartoon form (its likeness to him was apparent). I think that was actually a different show that was interspersed with the Banana Splits.  We won't discuss the Sour Grapes Bunch. 

Other than that, don't remember much about it, except the continued pesky impression I had that I was missing something behind the jokes.  Anyway, here is the opening theme which I admit was quite catchy, and I can still hum along with it all these years later: 


  1. I'm remembering it in first run. Seems to me it wasn't broadcast on Saturday morning, but I cannot recall just when it was broadcast. IMDB says it was only on for a couple of years, so I'm guessing you saw it in syndicated reruns. (I had a co-worker born in 1969 who remembered the program, so it must have been in syndicated rerun in some places, in his case in Seattle).

    1. It seems by the time I saw it, it was in syndication. It looks like that Tom Sawyer segment was actually a separate show that it merged with the Banana Splits. Which makes sense. My vague recollection is that when the TS show came on, that was the show, there was no Banana Splits that day.

  2. Dave, did you see that the rights apparently shifted around or lapsed (or something) and someone made an actual Banana Splits horror movie?

    1. You mean the version I watched wasn't a horror movie?
      But I can believe it. I mean, look at it. It would take a minor nudge to turn that into something profoundly creepy.

    2. LoL I think everyone made that joke. XD

      Here's the trailer.

  3. Four bananas three bananas two bananas one
    Five bananas dancing in the bright blue sun!


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