
Saturday, February 11, 2023

It makes you wonder

Knowing little about Star Trek of any generation, and far less about The Love Boat, I would have to see some confirmation on this.  If true, you must admit, someone was inspired by someone, or it's typical Hollywood in a weird way.  



  1. Nearly accurate. Gopher was the ship's purser, which means he was its chief financial officer.

    1. I remembered the character, but couldn't remember anything else. I remember his nickname, which I always imaged described what he actually did around the ship. Which might have been part of the joke. I also remember he was in congress at one point.

    2. You were right. It was a nickname because he had to "go fur this" and "go fur that". In one episode he lashes out at the captain because of the lack of respect it implies, and how Stubing would never tolerate such a nickname being applied to HIM.

    3. Not my trade, but as far as I could tell, the writers conceived of the purser as half property clerk half purchasing agent.

    4. I also remember he was in congress at one point.

      Fred Grandy, the actor who played him, was in Congress. Grandy lived in Sioux City as a child, then was sent to a boarding school (financed how no clue) where he roomed with David Eisenhower. He eventually earned an Ivy League degree and spent a number of years working as a congressional aide. He also acted avocationally, then professionally. He made good coin as an actor, though got no respect. Running for Congress in 1986 was a return to his previous occupation. His Iowa residency was notional and since leaving Congress in 1995 I think he's lived around DC. Cannot recall all of what he's done since, but he did have a long run in talk radio.

  2. Julie was MUCH sexier than Troi.

    1. Only if you ignored their looks, carriage, and conversation.

    2. I don't remember Julie's conversations, but Troi's set the bar pretty low, given her "empathic" ability to state the obvious. ("He's not telling the truth." "I sense great anger.") They managed to give Troi a few good episodes, but really should have been a recurring character, like Barclay, not a regular. At least a social director has a mission-centric role to play on a cruise ship.

      It's much the same with the carriage bit. It's been about 40 years since I've seen The Love Boat, and even though Julie did stand out to me as I was hitting puberty, a pretty girl can only justify shows that are a certain degree of bad.

      This brings us to looks. Star Trek has had some beautiful female characters, but Troi never ranked very high on that list for me. Janice Rand, Yeoman Colt, and either of the Dax girls rate much higher. Besides that, most of Star Trek has been bad. They should have stopped after Wrath of Khan. (Star Wars should have stopped after, well, Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back was OK, but even Return of the Jedi is not much better than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.)

    3. You seem to rate women by how much peroxide they pour on their hair. Barclay wasn't much of a recurring character. He appeared in 3% of the episodes.

    4. You seem to be a complete asshole. I was giving an out for "there's no accounting for taste", but you can't take that. No; it must be otherwise, because Art Deco, the Great and Mighty, hath proclaimed otherwise. As I said, you are just an asshole. Not even a wise ass, because there is not the faintest whiff of wisdom about you.

    5. I regret what I just said. I regret it because the use of "seemed", in the first sentence, seems to introduce doubt. Anyone who has read the shit you spew on a regular basis knows there is no doubt. This is the way you are. Maybe you could be different, if you gave an effort, but that has never happened, and the heat death of the universe is likely to occur before you make the slightest effort to be less of an asshole.

      It might well be that David Griffey deletes these two posts because of the strong language. It is more likely that David Griffey deletes these two posts because he cannot bear anyone telling the truth about one of the sycophants in the tiny, tiny echo chamber that even more well-read blogs become. Either is his call, though the latter is more shameful. It doesn't really matter; what matters is that this unhappy truth has been told.

    6. You seem to be a complete asshole. I was giving an out for "there's no accounting for taste", but you can't take that. No; it must be otherwise, because Art Deco, the Great and Mighty, hath proclaimed otherwise. As I said, you are just an asshole. Not even a wise ass, because there is not the faintest whiff of wisdom about you.
      You actually didn't leave any outs.
      Moderators generally dislike personal insult fests. Your emotional neuralgia is your problem, not mine.

    7. Yeah Art Deco is a bit of a autistic asshole who apparently is meeting humans for the first time every day. Hilarious he says you rate women "peroxide they pour on their hair" when half of your list were brunette. (I approve of your choice of Dax babes btw.)

      Also Art: Barclay wasn't much of a recurring character. He appeared in 3% of the episodes. is literally one of the dumbest statements since 3% is still way more than... well all the 0% characters. (Sonya Gomez? 2 episodes. Vash? 2 episodes. Sela? 4) The only ones who could challenge Barclay for more appearances are Q and O'Brien. Not to mention Barclay got to be in one of the movies and then went on to repeated appearances on Voyager.

      Anyway Anon, one has to also admit that Jeri Ryan was as beautiful as she was as talented an actor.

    8. You seem to be a complete asshole.
      It is more likely that David Griffey deletes these two posts because he cannot bear anyone telling the truth about one of the sycophants in the tiny, tiny echo chamber that even more well-read blogs become.
      Yeah Art Deco is a bit of a autistic asshole
      is literally one of the dumbest statements since 3% is still way more than... well all the 0% characters.
      It seems rather de trop for men in their 50s to be lobbing venomous insults as a consequence of learning that not everyone shares their assessment of the feminine charms of Lauren Tewes, ca. 1981.

    9. It seems rather de trop for men in their 50s to be lobbing venomous insults as a consequence of learning that not everyone shares their assessment of the feminine charms of Lauren Tewes, ca. 1981.

      No, you were just wrong, declaring someone to prefer women based upon peroxide when the majority of Anon's professed preferences were not at all blonde.

      Maybe if you went outside and touched grass once in awhile (be sure to ask mommy's permission and wear your helmet) you can grasp the concept that people get annoyed when you just make stuff up about them.

  3. Inventive, but I doubt one inspired the other. And there's some shoehorning.

    The medical officer was a principal character in the original Star Trek. The cruise director in Love Boat was not voluptuous in any way; she was 'perky'. The Troi character in Star Trek was not written as annoying, either. The recurring character of her mother was annoying and a generator of comic relief. I don't recall the Picard character straightening his uniform; given the uniforms, cannot imagine what that would look like. Love Boat was a network program (cannot recall which network). Star Trek: the Next Generation was a syndicated program from the beginning.

    1. I don't recall the Picard character straightening his uniform
      Geez, did you ever try WATCHING the show??
      Behind the scenes, it became common practice to refer to Patrick Stewart's habit of tugging his uniform shirt down when standing up as the "Picard Maneuver" (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion (2nd ed., p. 41)). In "Gambit, Part II", Data, as acting captain, concludes a reprimand of Worf, as acting first officer, by tugging his uniform down, imitating the captain.

      Here's an entire 19 min compilation. Now next time try not to embarrass yourself.


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